Converting coins to credits and back

  • Just a thing some friends and I have considered.

    What would you guys think about the possibility of being able to convert coins to credits and possibly reverse?

    Say you're 30k short of a station. Instead of grinding, you could convert the last 3 coins you have to credits (or more depending what value devs want it to have)

    Being able to convert credits to coins would also allow long-time players the ability to use some of their grinded money to upgrade their stations quicker, get premium etc.


  • I like the concept and would do this myself.

    The only flaws I can see in this is if a player can convert credits to coins then they wouldn't need to spend for coins and would be able to run calls to make coins and get buildings much faster and easier. This would lead to Sebastian not making a profit which wouldn't be able to pay for the game and we wouldn't be able to play it anymore.

    Please don't think I'm shooting this down by any means and like the concept as again I'd do this myself to expand but in the long run the DEV would lose profit if you think about it.

    Having coins turn to credits not sure about however. This would make a profit to the DEV but players wouldn't really be doing anything other than making credits faster when they can play for them.

    Any other thoughts?

  • Thanks for the input!

    I understand your thoughts about the credits to coins conversion, had thought of that myself. But the coins to credits one would still allow a person to play regularily, but if they got stuck they could get a credit boost.

    Maybe a limit? So say you can only exchange X amount of coins every week.

  • Because the coin prices are ridiculous for buying things like vehicles

    I only ever buy coins to use for any kind of buildings. When it comes to units I will just straight play the game for credits.

  • tl;dr: Like in the german version: It will never happen.

    With buying coins you support Sebastian keep the servers running and the game in development.
    Therefore turning credits to coins is a really bad, rather suicidal decision. On good days I make up to 4 million credits. This could be 4 free coins (valued @0.4 cents)

    Turning Coins to credits is also a complicated decision. Buying a vehicle (10k) costs 20 coins, buying a station (more than 2 million) costs 10 coins.

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