Filter Alliance Missions by distance

  • It would be a nice upgrade if we could filter out alliance Missions by distance .

    Having all east coast area stations, I would rather see missions within a certain radius, rather than every shared mission in Houston , Detroit and San Diego.

    Just a thought,but either way thanks for the great product you all have put out. Great game

  • Hello good sir,

    You can very much in deed do this function. I suggest you set up a dispatch centre and place it in a place of your own liking. This will give you some options and a selection of settings which include "Maximum distance of alliance missions (in KM)"

    From what I believe, yours is set to "no limit". Hence your concern. It's all preference really and this should help.

    Hope this helped and I hope I understood correctly.

    Enjoy the night, evening or morning,

    Pommy C:

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