When I was playing the game yesterday I got a gas leak call so I sent a engine when it got there the call became a road accident so I was wondering was it a programming error or am I thinking of the gas leak as something different that it is. ( car leaking gas or gas main break)
I was using the safari browser on my iPad at the time the call occurred
Call transformation error
- Official Post
When I was playing the game yesterday I got a gas leak call so I sent a engine when it got there the call became a road accident so I was wondering was it a programming error or am I thinking of the gas leak as something different that it is. ( car leaking gas or gas main break)
I was using the safari browser on my iPad at the time the call occurredIt is a feature that randomises calls for missionchief as the call can change between the time the 911 call has come in and units get on scene
Well I know that's a feature but it doesn't seem right that a gas leak becomes a road accident because when I think of a gas leak I think of a gas pipe has broke and gas is venting into a house
- Official Post
Gas in America is fuel. So a fuel leak. Confused me at first when I started playing. Only realised when I saw the fuel icon.
Gas in U.K. is an air substance rather than liquid. I imagine you thought the same.
If it becomes slippery it can become a road accident or actually be a cause to that leak.
- Official Post
In the U.S. gas leak is appropriate phrasing for a vapor leak, or a car leaking gasoline. In my area the former are dispatched as gas leaks and the latter as fuel spills. In the context of the game the call upgrade is referring to the car leaking gas.
In the context of the game the call upgrade is referring to the car leaking gas.
oh ok wasn't sure, thanks for clearing it up
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