Toronto Police Unit numbers and Location

  • Wondering if any of the other users here who have their Toronto Police stations complete or almost complete can give me a little hand or 2.
    Finally finished off my Fire units after 3 years (probably more) of quitting, coming back, quitting, and coming back again. I decided to start trying to finish EMS and TPS

    I understand the basics unit numbers for TPS vehicles and locations but I'm wondering if any one has a list or a website they use to find all unit locations

    for example

    I know that 1332 vehicle would be 13 Divisions

    but I'm seeing some that start with 60 which I believe is Traffic Services

    And I'm stumped on others like 87, 69 etc

    Also wondering on certain locations units like PSRT, TAV etc would be out of which building


  • If Canada is similar to US in terms of security, you will not find each individual police station. I can google a police department name and it shows where the main PD is located but never find a list of all police stations in that jurisdiction. The MC map will often show PD station locations in some places, but obviously not the number or type of units.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • If Canada is similar to US in terms of security, you will not find each individual police station. I can google a police department name and it shows where the main PD is located but never find a list of all police stations in that jurisdiction. The MC map will often show PD station locations in some places, but obviously not the number or type of units.

    Sometimes if you're lucky enough with street view you can see some of the cars in the parking lot and I'll zoom in to see the car numbers lol,

    I knew it was a long shot but was hoping maybe someone had went on a ride along with them or something and knew more about the numbers and location

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