Posts by Gooochy

    When Sebastian ran things, everything from suggestions, to translations, to Facebook news and then the forums was done by us mods, this is now done in house for the most part, which makes more sense but I agree they could do with being a bit clearer

    Could the changes be done to UK server as well

    Clearer is putting it mildly... there's not a place I've seen where they've ever listed details of what a unit is used for or required for in an announcement.

    Yeah every time a new update drops I get lost on what everything dose e.g cbrn unit on UK

    numnber 3 is because 2 free slots with expansion of mass casuilty trailers, you can only by mass casulity units

    pic 1,2,4

    is no issues

    I see the issue. its the same here (in kent) with NPAS i need about 3 at any 1 time, I have 2 (1 reserve). HEMS i just turned on ad have 20 backed up ( i regret turning it on) CC I have on. HART I have 1 base and 2 teams of 2 prv 2 srv 1 atv 1 welfare 1 cbrn 1 ACU. I have 3 air ambuaces (HM Coast Guard, LAA, KSSAA) Yeah i think water rescue willl be fantastic i hope there will be HART water rescue, utiltiy van (or somthing) fos, rsu and l4p to tow a trailer. and a heavy rescue with inflatble rafts

    It was ready from the sense that it was copy and paste from the US game, however we weren’t happy with that because we wanted things like it being available at small stations, more realistic missions, and other vehicles to tow the boat, so we delayed it.

    It also was going to include divers which again we weren’t too happy with seeing how rare diving units are now in the U.K. (met police basically covering half the counties in England) and are not used for rescue, more search and recovery.

    yeah diver units usally cover one or 2 areas e.g Northwest, North east and yorkshire etc. Would HART have water rescue teams. Would it be possible for fos, heavy rescues and l4p to tow it?

    By reading older threads water rescue units are all ready, what kind of time frame are we looking for this update. And will it be availble form small stations?