Posts by ChiefBoden61

    The spawn of the missions is random and there will be periods of times where missions come and go for lack of a better term. This is how you'll have six or seven high rise fires back to back and then none for a long period of time.

    The missions themselves haven't been removed from the game, you just haven't reached the spot in the mission spawn table again where you'll see those missions.

    If that is what you think ok...but I can tell you it has been well over 2 or 3 months since I have had any of those missions.

    Not sure where to post this as it is just a general question, not a complaint or a bug report (but I am sure I will be corrected if wrong place).

    What happened to certain missions that seemed to be spawned by various POIs? I used to routinely get vehicle fires in a parking garage, high rise fires, and so forth that seemed to be related to the POIs I had in place. These incidents have stopped spawning and to my knowledge I have not changed any settings?

    Any ideas?

    Foam engines are commonly used in the US by many cities and industrial fire departments, these could be added under the foam extension, a foam engine is like a type 1 engine with 500 gallons of water and 500 gallons of foam

    I think this is what they intend to be a "foam engine" It is called a tender but the description clearly says it carries water and foam

    In my opinion it spawning off wildfire stations is more realistic as in real life there wouldn't be a wildfire unit where wildfires don't happen E.g downtown sedney. There would be a wildfire unit in a area we're wild fires happen.

    Agree as I have had wildland fires spawn in the middle of a City where I know there is nothing but buildings and high rises. I guess it is similar to having water missions spawn where there is no water. Have been informed before that the "game" can not determine land or water...

    Hi everyone, I have been playing for awhile but this is my first time in here. I looked through the threads and saw that I could move vehicles but, I want to move some of my Warden vehicles to a station that I created for them but when I hit "MOVE" on the vehicle, I was not able to select the station I created for them, or most of my other stations. It only gave me a choice to move it to one station. Am I missing something? Do I need to do something else? Any help would be great, thank you!!

    Make sure you have expanded the station you want to move them to so it will take more vehicles and that the "warden" extension is complete and active. I did the exact same thing. Attached an example. You can't move there if station is full (obviously) or extension if "not ready for action"

    Not sure if the developers can answer this or someone else... but just a curious couple questions

    • What are the requirements to be an administrator or a moderator?
    • How does one go about being considered for the above?
    • Who selects them?

    I am reporting this again in hopes that the developers will somehow see it. And before anyone asks or jumps on me, I did report it to tech support and NO I do not have the automatic standdown released.

    I routinely send ambulances to calls where the information is that there is a "minimum of XXX patients" only to find that I go back and the mission is not completed because said ambulance(s) were released, This is very apparent in police missions where there are shootings, stabbings, hostages, brawls and such. The mission clearly states there is a "minimum of 6 patients". Since this seems to be a fire based and police based programs where it only tells you the number of patients and no ambulances are "required" on missions it creates a delay in finishing missions. Even on Medical calls, it only tells you the number of patients but does NOT say an ambulance is "required".

    I thought at one point someone said this bug was fixed but apparently it is not. Can we please see if the developers can help?

    I have something similar. I have an extension at one of my Stations and a Fire Marshal housed there. I have received a call to send 2 of them. Does this game not take into account when you have the units, or is it just forcing me to use more coins to buy a second marshal/ investigator? Now I cant clear this mission off my board.

    I think that once you have the extension, that the game has a pre-determined amount of investigators calculated to send. So it does not matter if you have 1 or 50, once you activate the extension you are subject to the mission generation. I have noticed also that that is no consistency to how many are "required" , One mission generated requires two plus two patrol. the same mission generated later required 3 or 4. Also....Fire Marshal's or investigators need to be transport capable and not require police. We routinely call the State FM and one unit responds and has from time to time made arrests and transported.

    I have an issue. I have an extension at one of my Stations and a Fire Marshal housed there. I have received a call to send 2 of them. Does this game not take into account when you have the units, or is it just forcing me to use more coins to buy a second Marshal/ Investigator? Now I cant clear this mission off my board. Fire Trucks, ambulance and patrol units are 1 thing, but specialized units cost coins/excessive cash to upgrade and add units.

    I think that once you have the extension, that the game has a pre-determined amount of investigators calculated to send. So it does not matter if you have 1 or 50, once you activate the extension you are subject to the mission generation. I have noticed also that that is no consistency to how many are "required" , One mission generated requires two plus two patrol. the same mission generated later required 3 or 4. Also....Fire Marshal's or investigators need to be transport capable and not require police. We routinely call the State FM and one unit responds and has from time to time made arrests and transported

    Theres no real reason for a car fire to last 6 hours, it's an instant response and resolution.

    I agree scotty.... I think (Hope) the suggestion was made in jest. But I know in the US there have been some hydrid vehicle fires that lasted an extended time and in one case they had a piece of excavating equipment dig a hole and bury it!

    I dont believe this is even the bug that was fixed..

    The one fixed was about other EMS units getting cancelled while being in the mission requirements, due to Auto EMS standdown being enabled. As far as I'm aware this bug was what was fixed, not ambulance not making it to scene.

    Ambulances worked fine still for those reporting this bug, and you've repeatedly stated you dont have EMS Standdown enabled.

    Correct SCotty.....I dont have it enabled and it is not happening across the board with any consistency. I know that I dispatched an EMS Chief and an ambulance to a call that showed "1 patient 100%" and the ambulance did not make it... EMS Chief did..

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone could help with issue I have been having, I can log onto mission chief on everything however I cannot log onto mission chief on Microsoft edge. I click login, put my details in, login but it sends me right back to this original register and login page. Can anyone help or have some similar issues?

    I would stay away from EDGE... we have had nothing but problems with it in most all cases...

    I don't know if the same servers do all versions and I realize this is the UK version, but while I can get on, it is very slow to load stuff and when I click on apparatus there is a delay and when I hit the dispatch button, I sometimes get a message saying that "it too too long to dispatch"

    #1 It would be nice to be able to expand beyond four (4) classrooms so you can train more people at one time

    #2 The new feature allowing you to hire "trained" people is great!!

    #3 It would be nice to be able to have an option to complete "all" training in progress with one click instead of having to go back for each one.

    I know you get "credits" or $$$ for all missions but I have a question on special missions generated by the game (Not alliance missions).

    Do, patient transfers, community events, safeguard musical parade, traffic light failure, DUI Checkpoint, suspect surveillance, small children's excursion and others such as that count towards your daily number of missions completed?