Transferring game currency

  • Do you think we should add it. 55

    The result is only visible to the participants.

    What do you guys think about being able to send coins and credits to each other after you reach a certain rank? for example if you were a staff captain you would have the option to send people coins to help them build....

  • i love the idea, but i would say captains, not staff captains, i dont think theres many players with that rank.

    and 1 other idea for it..

    make it so captains (or staff captains) can send or recieve credits, but anyone below that rank can still recieve credits, just not send. So someone in that players alliance can still help them out

    this would prevent them from making another account and sending credits to themselves.

  • I agree with having it at Staff Captain. If you put it so that Captains can share then that's half of most of the alliances. As well when you get to Captain you are just now getting yourself in a well set area with your stations well set up. Were as Staff Captains pretty much are just churning out money left and right with the amount of units they should have.

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