Barrier of entry

  • Hi MC,

    I just downloaded the game after it popped up in some advertisement, seemed pretty cool.

    after I downloaded I couldn’t really do much as I needed credits to begin? (Correct me if I’m wrong) but I believe giving new users a boost to begin will greatly increase the likeliness of returning to the game.

    Im currently in UAE and as you can imagine it’s pretty 0 players here. To build it up, people aren’t going to throw money at it until they experience it, but I think there’s tons of user potential here.

    Great idea though keep going.


  • The game gives you starting credits (I can’t remember if it’s after you build a dispatch centre or not) my advise on the best way to start off is to use the 150K you get to build 3 small fire stations. This will allow you to get missions requiring a platform truck.

  • Heyo!
    This is purely subjective and I'm sure there are many people who think the same way. However, being spoon fed and being presented with credits to complete what you desire completely removes the challenge of the game. It also leaves no desire to seek towards a goal to expand and upgrade. Without that end goal, challenge or desire to keep grinding to finish something, destroys a need to play.

    I guess this is from my personal view, but it is easier to get bored when you get things at the instant. Hence why I am still active these past few years. It may be quiet in your area, but that doesn't mean you are excluded from the game. Join an alliance, or head to the forums, even join a discord. This community has great potential, great players who are friendly enough to help people out, especially new players such as yourself.

    I do to an extent get what you're saying, and is it a bad idea? No, not at all. All suggestions, ideas and questions are welcome. However, the whole playerbase may need to be considered.
    Many new updates have come out that make it easier to play the game, especially for new players. I personally would take TACRFan's advice. It's a good one.

    Hopefully that didn't sound harsh.. <3

    Cheers and thanks!
    Pommy :))

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