Toronto Fire Dispatching

  • Hello I was wondering if anyone knew how the fire dispatching website for Toronto works. As you can see in the image posted C42 is in there 3 times and Pump422 being in there twice. I've noticed a

    lot with their fire calls that in the "Dispatched unit" sections they units are listed there 2 to 3 times. Is it done because the unit is being resent out after being cleared? Thanks a bunch

    Owner of: Libertyesa Alliance

  • It is true, that it will add the vehicle when the unit dropped on the call.

    This can be well after the fire scene is cleared and 1 unit is standing by as fire watch, but you will still see all of the previous vehicles that were on the active fireground.


  • Yes, when higher multiple alarm calls go through such as a 3rd alarm or higher, sometimes units are dispatched a few times over a few days. So what you are seeing is C42 being dispatched and leaving the scene and maybe new shift starts and is sent back for fire watch etc. Fire dispatch also dispatches others units and will send them in for a few hours for overhaul or fire watch and are sent back to he haul for shift change or cleanup and resent back out to relieve another unit. Hope this helps.


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