Posts by Danny

    I’ll ask but it’s hardly a priority issue. I’m still trying to find out why there seems to be no progress on the QOL pack and the auto standown feature to which I’m being told very little

    Thank u for trying. It does seem to be taking a while.

    Thank u for trying. It does seem to be taking a while.

    We don’t seem like we have had much this year.

    Thanks gooochy just didnt have time to set them out but they look great. Be great to hopefully see them used. 👍


    Some great suggestions like the football one it would be great to expand the football one think we are missing this sort of thing.

    Could do disturbance at football game and do small medium and large. Disturbance at train station due to football also disturbance at pub to do with football.

    I do like them but want to see more around football.

    Taser officers will not be added for the same reason as things like blue light driving course wouldn’t be added. Taser is becoming a lot more common across policing and would require players to train hundreds if not thousands of officers in this. Also, a Taser is definitely not a substitute for a dog. A Taser can be ineffective, a dog hanging off your arm by its teeth tends to work 99% of the time

    I do have to say I do think it is a shame that it won’t be added. Or even considered to be added at a later date.

    I believe this has been mentioned before about tasers and if I remember is something that won't be looked into much due to the vast number of forces which now allow most officers to become taser trained. In my opinion it would just be a worthless training since most officers carry them

    I’m sorry I get what your saying about most officers carry them but a lot don’t I think it would be a great addition and would reflect uk policing very well.

    Not sure whether this has been noticed by anyone else, but the requirements for Light Aircraft Crash (the version that spawns for me at least) includes 4x PRV, 4x SRV & 2x ATV Carriers. I feel as though this may be slightly excessive and wondered what others' thoughts on this were?

    When compared to large airplane crash incidents it’s not right surely large airplane incidents should have more then I could understand.

    Yep.. Been asked to be fixed for a while, it's a shame. Would make more sense to only stand down ambulances, leave AOs and MCE etc. However, it's not yet been said to be on the list of things to be fixed (even in the QOL pack), which sucks, because it's a premium feature.

    I advise just turning it off, sadly ?(

    Thanks yes I do have to agree it is sad that this can’t be fixed.

    It does arrive but for some reason after all patients have been treated and sent to hospital then is automatically cancelling its self. Then it is requesting one to be sent again.

    Hi these is because 4he game requires the ambulance officer for btih the main mission and if the paitent count spawns exceeding 20 (same with MCE but MCE is 30) so you need to keep it at scene for the whole time I belive the reason for this is for sone missions there may be a chance for it to be under 20 but the team still know the MCE and AO will be deployed. Building collapse is a example of this since the max is 20 paitents and min is 8 you can have it below 20 and tje paitent won't need a AO but the mission does :)


    Surely it’s something they can fix as u shouldn’t need to send one at beginning then at the end send another one after there is no patients.


    Not sure if anyone else is having an issue with sending a ambulance officer to loads of patients after all treated and sent it comes back up with needing a ambulance officer again so have to re send.

    Just wondering if we have any time lines for any of these being introduced to the game.

    Look forward to seeing some of these changes.

    I think it makes the game interesting when new updates come out .

    Please keep up the hard work to all involved.

    Sorry my understanding is it had been put forward but must have got this wrong. My mistake.

    Thank u for clarifying about coastguard.