• Hi these is because 4he game requires the ambulance officer for btih the main mission and if the paitent count spawns exceeding 20 (same with MCE but MCE is 30) so you need to keep it at scene for the whole time I belive the reason for this is for sone missions there may be a chance for it to be under 20 but the team still know the MCE and AO will be deployed. Building collapse is a example of this since the max is 20 paitents and min is 8 you can have it below 20 and tje paitent won't need a AO but the mission does :)

  • Hi these is because 4he game requires the ambulance officer for btih the main mission and if the paitent count spawns exceeding 20 (same with MCE but MCE is 30) so you need to keep it at scene for the whole time I belive the reason for this is for sone missions there may be a chance for it to be under 20 but the team still know the MCE and AO will be deployed. Building collapse is a example of this since the max is 20 paitents and min is 8 you can have it below 20 and tje paitent won't need a AO but the mission does :)


    Surely it’s something they can fix as u shouldn’t need to send one at beginning then at the end send another one after there is no patients.

  • You only need to send 1 and onetime it fulfills both the mission and paitent requirements simaltanuely so you only send 1 unless you stood it down because of no paitents.

    He is probably experiencing the same thing I am experiencing in the US Version (but I was told it not a problem for many people and therefore probably not a priority). I have sent an EMS Chief to missions where is shows patients and the EMS Chief along with the Ambulances continue to be cancelled before they arrive and will only "stay" on the mission after units arrive and "request" an ambulance or EMS Chief. Happens all day everyday.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Yep.. Been asked to be fixed for a while, it's a shame. Would make more sense to only stand down ambulances, leave AOs and MCE etc. However, it's not yet been said to be on the list of things to be fixed (even in the QOL pack), which sucks, because it's a premium feature.

    I advise just turning it off, sadly ?(

    Professionally getting his posts deleted since 2021.

    "Childish and moronic"

  • Yep.. Been asked to be fixed for a while, it's a shame. Would make more sense to only stand down ambulances, leave AOs and MCE etc. However, it's not yet been said to be on the list of things to be fixed (even in the QOL pack), which sucks, because it's a premium feature.

    I advise just turning it off, sadly ?(

    Thanks yes I do have to agree it is sad that this can’t be fixed.

  • It does arrive but for some reason after all patients have been treated and sent to hospital then is automatically cancelling its self. Then it is requesting one to be sent again.

    I think what is happening is that when the game senses no more patients then it releases EMS even if the auto standdown is turned off, but once a unit like that (EMS Chief) is required then the mission will not finish unless it is on the scene despite the patients being gone

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • I think what is happening is that when the game senses no more patients then it releases EMS even if the auto standdown is turned off, but once a unit like that (EMS Chief) is required then the mission will not finish unless it is on the scene despite the patients being gone

    Yeah it's the ems stand down units shouldn't stand down without it on

  • Yeah it's the ems stand down units shouldn't stand down without it on

    I am really not sure why they do not include ems units on fires anyway. I know in the US we normally send EMS units to fires in case there is a patient and also for rehab of personnel. We also have designated Safety Battalion Chiefs in some areas and EMS Battalions or Supervisors that automatically respond to those larger scale incidents. All part of the ICS System

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

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