• Thank you! I’ve never seen ACUs in MissionChief, any idea where to find them?

    They do exist as a Ambulance Control Unit - th3y act as a ICCU and are found at ambulance stations, clinics and HART Bases in my set up I have them as the forward command units form the HART Teams

    As Gooochy said, they're exlusive to ambulance stations, clinics and HART stations. The crew are required to be trained in Tactical Command Course, unfortunately they can't auto transport like ambulance officers.

  • I think for most of the bigger players AOs essentially replaced OTLs, I certainly use them as operational commander roles - LOMs/DOMs/COMs. If you only use them as tactical commanders - one per county or so - you'd never get the benefit of the auto transport.

    And apart from anything else, I'm not sure I've ever met an ambo tactical commander outside their office!

  • As has been said, ambulance is currently the only service that has a full bronze, silver and gold command structure.

    OTL Bronze

    Officer Silver

    Command Unit Gold

    Ultimately Gold would only go to the scene of the largest of major incidents and most Gold work is done inside the major incident room back at control.

    Ambulance command units don’t auto transport Currently but if players wanted to see this I could ask. It would mean that I would probably have to bump up the price of the unit though.

    Several ambulance services no longer have a major command vehicle which is why it’s more of an additional unit rather than giving it a higher purpose.

  • The ACU already costs 50k unlike the fire counter part at 25k i think its more then fair to give it the abiltity to auto transport.

  • I know of a few still floating round in the area I'm based however these are used for large events to take the workload away from control allowing them to focus on BAU.

    Maybe the ACU could be factored into timed events?

    This would lend itself quite nicely to things like SJA Control Vehicles for medical cover at large events such as concerts etc, as the SJA Control vehicles don't generally respond to major incidents.

  • The planned missions need a complete overhaul.
    We need to be able to spawn maybe 5 at a time.

    Then give us the option to send these specialist units to them with the chance of them turning into a normal mission.

    EG a concert turns into a crush and patients spawn, giving a bit of a dynamic change to them rather than then completing with no incidents.

  • The planned missions need a complete overhaul.
    We need to be able to spawn maybe 5 at a time.

    Then give us the option to send these specialist units to them with the chance of them turning into a normal mission.

    EG a concert turns into a crush and patients spawn, giving a bit of a dynamic change to them rather than then completing with no incidents.

    I belive this is being worked on for the quality of life update (more planed misisins. I mean)

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