PODS & Hooklifts Suggestion

  • Heyo, I'm Pommy and I purpose a few new vehicles, PODs and Hooklitfs.
    Today, I built another country fire station, which contained a Hazmat POD in real life. As I play fairly realistically, I was not keen on using a hazmat vehicle to replace this, so therefore I just left it, despite how handy it could be. But it got me thinking, why don't we have Hooklifts or PODs yet within the game? As far as I'm concerned, many other countries have Hooklifts, particularly Europe. (Not to sure on this)

    I guess as we do not have hazmat engines in the game, I think this could potentially works as such, supporting incidents with hazmat materials and for water pods, act as a tanker.

    I think in terms of features, it would be 3 new vehicles: Bulk Water Carrier POD, Hazmat Support & Hooklift which would be used to transport these. I think this could function the same as a boat trailer, where they are automatically come along with the Heavy Rescue + Boat. As PODs are not driven, they can be accessed by on scene crews and the Hooklift drivers which can hold 2-5 people.

    When no hazmat and or tankers vehicles are near or avaiable, I suggest these take priority in responding.

    Thanks for your time and hearing my proposition,
    Kind regards.
    Pommy C:

  • I agree with this - they would come in very handy 8)

    They were briefly brought up recently, see here. My interpretation of what was said is that they actually exist in the German version... But was unable to confirm either way. Perhaps @TACRfan could help us out here?

    In the mean time, I think you should just go for it and use the hazmat for a hazmat pod, water tanker for a bulk water pod etc.

  • This has been discussed in the past on here and between the moderators. If implemented they would probably be implemented as trailers as that is more common throughout the US. This doesn’t mean that you can’t assign the trailers pod graphics and the tow vehicles prime mover graphics.

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