Station Mission spawn range

  • Make it possible for players to choose an area in kms/miles around the station for spawning missions, make the max option as the way it is atm and make it possible to reduce it.

    With this, missions will spawn inside the area configured in that station.

    This would help avoid missions spawning in water and also will avoid missions to spawn on the other side of the river (making you have to wait 8+ minutes to cross the bridge and reach the mission...).

    It would also help those that play realistic by making it possible to make missions spawn inside the station coverage area.

    Example <- just like how it is here, but for each station.

  • This topic is recurring on several versions of the game. Players of the French game is actually on the same asking process.

    I suggested to add in the Dispatch center's settings menu a feature where you can choose like "original" / "Medium" (~8km) / "Far" (~+15km)

  • This topic is recurring on several versions of the game. Players of the French game is actually on the same asking process.

    I suggested to add in the Dispatch center's settings menu a feature where you can choose like "original" / "Medium" (~8km) / "Far" (~+15km)

    That's cool.

    It can be another way of making it work yes as long has you can change that setting in each station, because there will be stations closer to water, or stations further away from the others, etc.

  • That's cool.

    It can be another way of making it work yes as long has you can change that setting in each station, because there will be stations closer to water, or stations further away from the others, etc.

    A setting in Each stations has been mentionned on internal talk. IMHO I would prefere a global settings. I only have 99 fire stations. Some other players have hundreds like 500+. I'm not sure they would like to review and setup each one of them.
    But, I would like a heatmap feature like we can find in the LSS Manger. With a global + individual setting, it would be a cool thing to set up. But another thing to take in consideration, fire stations don't respond in a circle area. Some stations are not centered in their responding area.

  • A setting in Each stations has been mentionned on internal talk. IMHO I would prefere a global settings. I only have 99 fire stations. Some other players have hundreds like 500+. I'm not sure they would like to review and setup each one of them.But, I would like a heatmap feature like we can find in the LSS Manger. With a global + individual setting, it would be a cool thing to set up. But another thing to take in consideration, fire stations don't respond in a circle area. Some stations are not centered in their responding area.

    Having both settings is not impossible and I think the code is not that hard to do tbh.

    Yeah I've never seen a game where you can choose an area without having the station centered on it, so probably not a possible thing atm.

  • [...]
    Having both settings is not impossible and I think the code is not that hard to do tbh.

    Yeah I've never seen a game where you can choose an area without having the station centered on it, so probably not a possible thing atm.

    Having a general setting that rules and setup all stations and where you cad adjust individually each station is possible but harder to code.

    I don't seen any games neither. But IRL, it's happening everywhere.

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