Change location without losing progress?

  • You can move stations to different locations within the country platform you're currently playing on ( for coins unless you built them less than 24 hours ago) however you cannot change countries or platforms.

  • If you go to EDIT the station you can then move it. All apparatus will move and people and missions are generated based on where the stations are to the best of my knowledge. You can change the distance in the dispatch window on how far out the stations can respond. So when missions are generated if you are within that radius they will show up on your mission list

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Yes the new missions will spawn at the same location as your stations

  • What if I just delete the POI'S that I currently have and then rebuild them?

    I am confused by what Nige said.

    To put it simply - Any missions already on your map will stay in the same location.

    You can move your stations, and rebuild POIs in the new location. Then any missions spawning from then on, will spawn in the new location.

    My advice is to pause your mission generation, complete your missions so there are none left. Then move your station, build new POIs, and then unpause mission generation. This will then let your missions respawn in your new area!

  • To put it simply - Any missions already on your map will stay in the same location.

    You can move your stations, and rebuild POIs in the new location. Then any missions spawning from then on, will spawn in the new location.

    My advice is to pause your mission generation, complete your missions so there are none left. Then move your station, build new POIs, and then unpause mission generation. This will then let your missions respawn in your new area!


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