Large Alliance Event

  • Hi, as a new player on this server, i created my alliance and used to try all Large Alliance Event (Edit).

    But if i compare to french server where you can have missions up to 20K crédits, these events seems really little with only missions up to 4K.

    Is it because i didn't unlocked all missions or is it normal ?


  • Are you referring to CUSTOM Large Scale missions or in-game large scale missions?

    The custom missions (the large-scale events you use coins for (or that the alliance can put on once a day for free)), is a random payout between about 12k to 28k (doubled on 2x credit events). This may drop slightly depending on alliance donation rate.

    If you are referring to regular missions, then the average mission payout is available to you (look at the requirement screen).

  • Are you referring to CUSTOM Large Scale missions or in-game large scale missions?

    The custom missions (the large-scale events you use coins for (or that the alliance can put on once a day for free)), is a random payout between about 12k to 28k (doubled on 2x credit events). This may drop slightly depending on alliance donation rate.

    If you are referring to regular missions, then the average mission payout is available to you (look at the requirement screen).

    Sorry, i was talking about alliance event

    Post Edited

  • BackRaiser

    Changed the title of the thread from “Large Scale Event” to “Large Alliance Event”.
  • Those missions are known for being poorly paid for what they are.

    They need a rework in my opinion as you could have over 200 players partiake for a 14K payout.
    Where as if you farmed for a few hours with those units you could make thousands if not a few hundred thousand in the same time period.

    In my alliance the admins run them for fun rather than for profit.

  • I would disagree that they do not generate money. Think about it...they run for 3 hours so in the fastest mode they generate well over 300 missions which is a lot of credits. Where I do see the problem with them is the type of incidents generated. For example a "storm" generates brush fires, brush piles, wildfires, field fires and roof fires more than anything else.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Yeh they dont make money for the players.

    But its nice to have custom missions that cant normally spawn ingame.

    Myself and others in the alliance have certainly gained credits... any credits is better than none, especially since they won't adjust the amounts required to move up.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

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