EMS Command Vehicle Transfer | EMS Academy Command Training

  • You can purchase and place a EMS Command vehicle into a Fire Station with EMS Extension, however you CANNOT send people from a Fire Station with EMS Extension to a EMS School Training course, meaning they cannot receive EMS Command Training.

    You also cannot transfer a EMS Command vehicle from a Fire Station with EMS Extension to a Medic Station or Clinic, it will only let you transfer it to other fire stations. The programming appears to treat the EMS Command Vehicle as a fire vehicle HOWEVER...

    You CAN purchase the EMS Command Vehicle within a EMS station or clinic...and then from there you can train those people with EMS Command Training.

    2 Separate Bugs:

    1) Employees within a Fire Station with EMS Extension CANNOT be sent to EMS Academy Courses

    2) The EMS Command Vehicle cannot be transferred between a Fire Station with EMS Extension and EMS Stations or Clinics.

    P.S. I lost 40K :( trying to figure out this issue so hopefully it can be fixed to prevent others from being confused?(


  • Adding onto this:

    3) EMS Chief vehicles inside clinics cannot be transferred to Ambulance Stations or Fire Stations with EMS Extensions.

    4) Ambulances inside Fire Stations with EMS Extensions cannot be transferred to Clinics.

    Don't think that is a bug.... In the US version it has always been that way. And no one has ever had a problem with it that I am aware.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Don't think that is a bug.... In the US version it has always been that way. And no one has ever had a problem with it that I am aware.

    That definitely does not make any sense.

    If a player is able to purchase a specific given vehicle type in two different types of buildings, then they should be allowed to move that vehicle between those two buildings.

    If I can move an Ambulance from an Ambulance Station to a Fire Station with Ambulance Extension, I should be able to do the same to other EMS units.

  • What version is this on as to me this reads as if it is the US version of the game due to terms used.

  • What version is this on as to me this reads as if it is the US version of the game due to terms used.

    I don't play the UK version (obviously) but did you look closely to the classes offered for the Fire Academy? Not sure what the UK Fire Academy offers but the US version does have EMS Command training.

  • And I do not regularly play the US version so not a clue what it's schools have in them.

    This section of the forum is for the UK version, the OP has posted something that looks like it is meant for the US part of the forum.

  • The fire academy has the EMS Mobile Command as well as the EMS academy. Also the EMS Command Vehicle is optional. It's the trained personal that is required to complete the missions, I have all my battalion chiefs trained as EMS Mobile Command since any mission requiring EMS Mobile Command will have at least 2 battalion chief units on scene.

  • To put it very simply, you should be able to move ambulances and vehicles like EMS Chiefs between Clinics and Ambulance Stations. The fact that you can't do that makes basically no sense.

    Why do you need an EMS Chief in a clinic? You do not need anyone to authorize transports to clinics. You send an ambulance and they transport. And you most certainly can move ems chiefs from EMS Station to EMS Station. I did it this morning. And if you want an EMS Chief in a Fire Station for fire based EMS, then just add one to the fleet there.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Why do you need an EMS Chief in a clinic? You do not need anyone to authorize transports to clinics. You send an ambulance and they transport. And you most certainly can move ems chiefs from EMS Station to EMS Station. I did it this morning. And if you want an EMS Chief in a Fire Station for fire based EMS, then just add one to the fleet there.

    I don't need it there, that's just where I decided to put it. I'm simply trying to reporting a bug about being unable to move the vehicle. I have checked time and time again and I am completely unable to move an EMS Chief from a CLINIC to a EMS Station. I am aware that they can be moved between EMS stations.

  • actually its not a bug - the building types are different - you can only transfer units between the same building type

    So it would seem by current design but one might argue that it seems illogical to prohibit transferring between two different types of buildings if those two buildings are intended to hold the same types of units. Hence from my perspective it clearly logically seems like a bug.

  • actually its not a bug - the building types are different - you can only transfer units between the same building type

    As stated by manfromcny - it is NOT a bug. EMS and Fire are separate from. While you can move an ambulance from EMS Station to Fire, you simply can't move the other things such as MCI and EMS Chiefs. That is just the way the developers set it up.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Listen I'm really not here to start an argument. I am simply here to report my findings.

    Unless someone can point me to an actual development statement showing that this was intentional, I'm going to continue describing it as a bug because it simply seems illogical.

    In my opinion, it seems logical that two different buildings that are capable of holding the same-exact type of vehicle should be able to move that vehicle between them.

    Hopefully someone responsible for reading and responding to bug threads will eventually respond and factually answer for the issue.

    Thank you.

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