Some police departments have Paramedic or ALS-trained police officers, they ride in vehicles marked as such.
These vehicles can function as a Patrol car, and a EMS fly car. They cannot transport inmates or patients.
ALS Patrol Car
Cost: $10,000
Required Training: ALS Medical training for Peace Officers
Min Personnel: 1
Max Personnel: 2
Can treat 1 patient at a time.
Bought at Police stations. Requires no extensions.
Cannot transport patients or inmates.
These vehicles can patrol, and they function as police cars.
Some examples of IRL vehicles
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ALS Patrol Car
feel this is totally unnecessary and will cause the developers to have to change a lot of the program just to make it work
feel this is totally unnecessary and will cause the developers to have to change a lot of the program just to make it work
While it may not be necessary, it can be a quality-of-life edition. This would be handy for those who have more police cars than ambulances, ambulances can take a while to arrive, so if you have a police car nearby you can start preparing them before the medic gets there.
Not quite sure how it would be too much work, it's just giving officers the ability to help heal patients before transport (the exact same thing as an EMS fly-car.) It's practically a reversed tactical medic, except it can't transport patients. -
feel this is totally unnecessary and will cause the developers to have to change a lot of the program just to make it work
The UK Game has this already
The UK Game has this already
lucky! Maybe I will play the UK version someday
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