I has 2 mission who i dont know what i should do.
The text says i missing FBI Investigation Waggons. The help says these missions need only 1. At the moment i hast 2 or 3 + a drone on the mission and its didnt count
I need help
I has 2 mission who i dont know what i should do.
The text says i missing FBI Investigation Waggons. The help says these missions need only 1. At the moment i hast 2 or 3 + a drone on the mission and its didnt count
I need help
Hey there.
We are having similar issues in the last hour with Australian MissionChief. Riot Police Equipment Vehicles, which are already attached to the job, are not being counted towards Mission requirements.
It appears a bunch of bugs have dropped in the last hour or two
These bugs hopefully have all been fixed within the last ~1 hour, if you still see issues first try to trigger a re-calculation of the affected mission (this can be done by just sending any vehicle there and recalling it immediately), this should clear everything up. If issues still persist, feel free to note which vehicles still don't work properly (this issue affected multiple vehicles across our games and included ATF/DEA/FBI/Brush/Wildfire/Divers/Riot Police).
Sorry for the interruption in gameplay && Greetings
Dennis of the dev team
The FBI Investigation Wagon on mission CONTAINER SHIP FIRE WITH EXPLOSION still appears to not work. I've tried to trigger a re-calculation, but that isn't working
These bugs hopefully have all been fixed within the last ~1 hour, if you still see issues first try to trigger a re-calculation of the affected mission (this can be done by just sending any vehicle there and recalling it immediately), this should clear everything up. If issues still persist, feel free to note which vehicles still don't work properly (this issue affected multiple vehicles across our games and included ATF/DEA/FBI/Brush/Wildfire/Divers/Riot Police).
Sorry for the interruption in gameplay && Greetings
Dennis of the dev team
the FBI wagons are still bugged on the US server, every single powerplant CBRNE mission wont complete with multiple FBI wagons. and triggering with new vehicles does not complete it.
These bugs hopefully have all been fixed within the last ~1 hour, if you still see issues first try to trigger a re-calculation of the affected mission (this can be done by just sending any vehicle there and recalling it immediately), this should clear everything up. If issues still persist, feel free to note which vehicles still don't work properly (this issue affected multiple vehicles across our games and included ATF/DEA/FBI/Brush/Wildfire/Divers/Riot Police).
Sorry for the interruption in gameplay && Greetings
Dennis of the dev team
The same problem wich i have from the beginning of this post.
The recalculation fix only the "missing.vehicle.mcc" problem. The problem with the FBI Investigation persists
Finally got it, this one should now be fixed as well and FBI Investigation Wagons being recognized again (might again need any action on the mission but should then finally clear it up)
Dennis of the dev team
Works for the FBI Investigation Wagon. Thanks
appears to have resolved the issue
These bugs hopefully have all been fixed within the last ~1 hour, if you still see issues first try to trigger a re-calculation of the affected mission (this can be done by just sending any vehicle there and recalling it immediately), this should clear everything up. If issues still persist, feel free to note which vehicles still don't work properly (this issue affected multiple vehicles across our games and included ATF/DEA/FBI/Brush/Wildfire/Divers/Riot Police).
Sorry for the interruption in gameplay && Greetings
Dennis of the dev team
Dennis - can you ask the MissionChief AU developers to fix the problem with the "SES vehicles" not counting on missions? This started around 20 hours ago (9pm AEST on Tuesday) and still hasn't been fixed.
Thank you in advance.
Dennis - can you ask the MissionChief AU developers to fix the problem with the "SES vehicles" not counting on missions? This started around 20 hours ago (9pm AEST on Tuesday) and still hasn't been fixed.
Thank you in advance.
Same team here actually We fixed some issue around them yesterday, but I think I see one more coming up when the mission is centered around SES or you use them in custom alliance missions (which honestly is most of them, but in rare cases like "Injured Hiker" they may have been recognized). A fix for this is live now, this should hopefully resolve this one as well
If anything else comes up, feel free to let us know!
Dennis of the dev team
Today, my FBI Investigation wagons aren't working. Tried resetting, didn't work
Hi, my FBI Investigation Unit does not work, too. Sendind a drone finished the mission.
identifier 8a1a6bf3b3cb411f290e76668879d9d8
identifier 8a1a6bf3b3cb411f290e76668879d9d8
I am having problems with FBI Investigation Wagons - it seems to be limited to those missions that have a Drone or Investigation Wagon Requirement - it appears that the code is actually calling for Drone AND Investigation Wagon.
Heya, we finally circled in on it; the hint to the combined requirement was very useful as there were two intertwined issues; one in the "Drone or Investigation Wagon" requirement (which ignored the investigation wagon) and one in the display of the "missing X FBI Investigation wagon(s)" (which calculated the requirement correctly but did not display missing vehicles correctly). Both issues should now be fixed
As usual, please let us know if more issues come up && Greetings
Dennis of the dev team
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