Posts by ChiefBoden61

    What EMS-Chief is trying to say is there's nothing to say you HAVE to complete both jobs at the same time. Simply complete one then the other they dont expire for 48 hours.

    Thanks for all the response. I was not trying to be hostile I was just trying to express that it could be one mission instead and two and I was debating my points. I realize the second one could be handled "after" but that is not realistic either. But again, thank you for the guidance and your input. I appreciate the replies. Have a great evening all!

    Thanks for your responses....I should have known that if I asked none of the moderators or administrators would agree. The mission is NOT spawning in a "different" place. Another incident on top of the first incident. Could handled better by dispatching the correct compliment on the initial incident IMO (as you say).

    If the distance is a concern, then direct the units going to the plane mission to the wildland fire after as a follow-up.

    I guess you missed the entire point... It is two (2) missions happening right on top of each other. In real life a plane down that was on fire and that has spread to the wildland would have all units dispatched to one(1) incident with multiple command officers managing the incident in various branches and division, requiring multiple chief officers respond. Also, a lot of times the 2nd mission is not generated until a lot units are on scene..

    I have read the thread "ALS Medical Training for Fire Apparatus" but it hasn't been updated in over a year. Is it still not possible to have a FF get EMS/ALS trained in the Fire Academy and work from a standard type 1 Engine? based on the thread it seems you can only use the fire engine/ambulance to get the ALS functionality. While one of my future departments actually uses one of those rigs the current department I am working on (Salt Lake City FD) does not and has paramedic engines but transport is by a private ambulance company. I need to know if I can use the trained ALS FF in Type 1 Engine as it will drastically change what my next steps for building are.

    To my knowledge nothing has changed. Only way to have a Medic Engine is to use the EMS one. I may be wrong but I think you can still train your folks in ALS for Fire Apparatus at the Academy but it does no good unless you have the EMS Engine. AGain...I could be wrong...but that is how I understand it

    Yes, that can be used as a clunky workaround but doesn't function very well. A big issue is it's 24 hours and no way to delete it... if I used these how I would intend I'd have staging areas at every station by end of the day. I would also have to create a staging area each time I needed one. I could fudge the realism factor and create just a few strategically placed ones (North. South, East, West) but they would need to be refreshed each day. What I would prefer, and would fit the real world is you can send any unit to any station via dispatch not a transfer since its temporary.

    This has been asked for before and despite the fact that I agree with you that is a needed feature, I do not feel it will happen anytime soon, if at all. As you said, you could fudge it using the staging area. I have tried it buy just placing the staging area so that it touches the fire station and then I name it "Station 5 Move Up". It seems an extra step and cumbersome but in the end it works and the staging areas don't cost.

    First let me say I am not trying to report a bug and secondly I am not trying to complain. I am simply asking a question.

    For the mission Airplane Crash in the Wildland>>>> That mission is generally a mass casualty event that requires significant resources, including various fire apparatus and wildland fire apparatus, and one would assume that realistically if that event happened in real life it would generate a wildland fire or at least some sort of fire.

    With that in mind, a 2nd incident is generated at the same location for a Wildland Fire as a result of a plane crash in the wildland? The event/mission will require an additional significant amount of units, including wildland, and they all come from much further away as a result of units already being assigned.

    Why can't that mission be folded into one and be simply a Plane Crash in the Wildland on Fire and just add additional apparatus requirements? Also, in real life the FBI and NTSB would be there (yes, I know we do not have NTSB was just an observation).


    I think this question relates to specialized stations but if not, please move it to the correct thread so I do not get in trouble. Why am I having stations spawn flooding missions that require boats when they DO NOT have the Water Rescue Extension or the Water Rescue Specializations and are NO WHERE near any stations that do?

    If you read the description of the Foam Tender in the game it says it carries water and foam.. just not how much water.. so using it as a tanker does also work. I have tried it

    I don't mind the specialization as long as the exponential price increase can be stopped. If they had to be stand-alone stations I would have to move my existing ones.

    I agree with you on this one. Those of us that have large coverings are being gouged for credits. The more we play and add new buildings the more they cost us.

    EMS-Chief The stations have all been built, and they all had the forest extension done. This add-on is supposed to put the specialization on which I assume was going to be treated like an extension. That is what generated the question, why does the cost go up versus treating it like an extension and the price is constant? I previously built 17 forestry stations and I wanted to specialize them just for wildfires. If this is working as designed, the price is extremely prohibitive.

    I am sure EMS Chief will correct me if I am wrong, but I was told by a moderator and an administrator. The more stations you build the more they begin to cost.

    yes... I realize that...thanks... I just have to go back now and remember where I put them

    I have tried edge on multiple devices and multiple servers and it just does not support running the game. And yes, I have cleared the cache, browsing history and data and restarted and it just does not work. Yep...I have also reported it to Support. So I find that Chrome works the best

    Now that I have started specializing the forestry stations, why would the price go up by station? On my 5th one and it is over 200k to specialize it.

    I have been informed previously that the more stations you build the more they begin to cost you because with more stations you generate more credits. While this specialized station thing is great, it comes a bit late for me as I just did the forestry expansion on each fire station and then put brush rigs in them as I had more credits. I made my own forestry stations by building and adding the extension, and then I moved the the engine to where it was needed and filled the station with wildland or brush apparatus. I am, however, glad they have add it as so many people have been asking for it.

    Frustrating to send brush trucks dozens of miles out of their designated area into downtown St. Louis for wildfires. I'm not concerned with the game spawning wildfires because it doesn't recognize rural areas, but keeping them in the general vicinity of where I have brush trucks (for good reason) would be great.

    I agree with you 100%. When that happens to me I either delete the mission, finish it with coins or just leave it and let it expire in 48.