Hello Admins and Moderators, as well as other players. I had the thought of the possibility of increasing the maximum capacity of Hospitals. If, by chance, there was an option to increase the maximum beds in the hospitals from 30 to say 75, or even 100 beds, it would be almost like the real hospitals. Each of the hospitals would have between 100-250 bed capacity in real life.
To get to the 100 bed capacity, Take the current 30 count bed, with the level 20 and increase the bed capacity by 14 beds over the next 5 levels, requiring 266,000 credits or 15 coins after level 20, to reach level 25 and 100 beds.
This would also allow players to be able to run more patients to that particular hospital and clear those units up fast than having to run 15-20 min real time to clear a unit if they were to take them to another hospital.
I have filled up my hospital 4 times and literally had to stop plying because my hospitals were full. I mostly had got more medical calls then fire calls. I have about 11-12 ambulances with 1 full capacity, lev 20, Max 30 beds, and would get overwhelmed at times with patients in the hospitals. Then I had to stop playing so the hospitals would clear up. I am financially strapped now where I can't afford to buy any more coins to clear out my hospitals.
Is there any way this could work where we could get more capacity of the hospital beds at the maximum level? Thoughts would be great on this. Thanks for your time.