I am unable to buy coins, when I attempt to I get an error message reading "Fehlermeldung 123"
problems buying coins
- Official Post
Is the issue after you get to pay pal or before
after. I get redirected back to the game website and an error message comes up
i just had this issue, i payed 20 dollars for 300 coins, it sent me back to an error page and recieved none of the coins.
i messaged gavin about it so hopeing for a response -
I notified sebastian about the issue.
- Official Post
I notified sebastian about the issue.
Probably best to leave to the Moderators to do.
lost .is from the German Version were he is a admin.
- Official Post
Please send me an email with all payment details.
Your ingame name.
Your paypal account -
Probably best to leave to the Moderators to do.
Mods cannot do anything with payment issues other than letting sebastian know. Also, missionchief mods do not like me posting the support mail for what ever reason, yet sebastian posts it himself.
I would have done that, but i may get censored again - therefore i pinged him and told him about this.Since this topic got ignored for two weeks by the moderators, i am always happy to help
lost .is from the German Version were he is a admin.
+ this, but i am only moderator at leitstellenspiel, there are no admins unless @Sebastian
sorry lost. It was early when i wrote it.
- Official Post
My apologies to all.
- Official Post
This issue was addressed in private messages within one day of the thread being posted. Thread closed.
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