• Hi players, today alongside the new mission, 5 missions have been updated in line with real life pre determined responses.

    The changes are

    The changes to the missions today are to 5 missions

    Hospital fire: name change, required officer count increased to 8, aerial requirement decreased to 2, ICCU requirement added.

    Car workshop: Name change, fire officers increased to 4, aerials reduced to 1.

    Fire in office: name change, officers increased to 8, aerials reduced from 4 to 2, water carrier removed.

    Big farm fire: name change, officers increased to 6, aerials reduced from 3 to 1, water carriers reduced from 3 to 2.

    Heathland Fire: name change

    The reason for the name changes is to give greater flexibility when adding missions in the future, for example different levels of incident etc.

  • This game is a game and not a simulation. Adjusting to reality is good but should not be overstated. 6 to 8 officers in one mission are far too exaggerated and too high for 75% of all players who do not play just in London. And why not feasible for smaller players.

    In addition, ALL changes have to be published in the game and not only on Facebook or here in the forum.
    Many do not have FB or do not use this forum.

    And changes in the color of the buttons are just as important as changes in the police (ARR) or the number of vehicles in missions.
    Many believe that the color change is due to their display and not the game, for example. Or if I have to change my existing ARRR due to changes in the number. These are things that have to be communicated in the game too and not just here. :cursing:

    But the Colour of all buttons looks very, very bad and very "cheap". This is just crap. Before it looked like a button with which I could move something, now it is only an entry in a calculation table. Too bad about the aesthetics. It is getting worse. And that has nothing to do with savings to support computer performance. But the developers are not interested in anything like that. Worse than Aldi <X And they didn't do it in the US + GE version. Why here? Pls give us back the old colors

    Edited 2 times, last by Locke1280 (April 28, 2020 at 2:47 AM).

  • This game is a game and not a simulation. Adjusting to reality is good but should not be overstated. 6 to 8 officers in one mission are far too exaggerated and too high for 75% of all players who do not play just in London. And why not feasible for smaller players.

    In addition, ALL changes have to be published in the game and not only on Facebook or here in the forum.
    Many do not have FB or do not use this forum.

    And changes in the color of the buttons are just as important as changes in the police (ARR) or the number of vehicles in missions.
    Many believe that the color change is due to their display and not the game, for example. Or if I have to change my existing ARRR due to changes in the number. These are things that have to be communicated in the game too and not just here. :cursing:

    But the Colour of all buttons looks very, very bad and very "cheap". This is just crap. Before it looked like a button with which I could move something, now it is only an entry in a calculation table. Too bad about the aesthetics. It is getting worse. And that has nothing to do with savings to support computer performance. But the developers are not interested in anything like that. Worse than Aldi <X And they didn't do it in the US + GE version. Why here? Pls give us back the old colors

    None of these PDA’s for the game are based off London. Unlike the US, these officers are not Battalion chief vehicles which act as a command post (that’s what the ICCU is for) based out of stations, they are take home vehicles for anyone from the rank of Station Manager and above. Take this other service for example, they have 35 stations across the county and a total of 32 officers cars, most based out of Wholetime stations and headquarters and they are also take home vehicles. These missions that have a high count are based on the most serious of incidents where you will need a TacAd, and other specialist roles that are provided by other levels of incident command.

    You will not find a major incident anywhere around the UK that will have 1 or 2 officers cars attend. There were lots and lots of complaints from people on the US game when that was the only platform about how unrealistic it was, we are trying to set out so the UK game is realistic but now players don’t want that either?

    As for the colour changes, I didn’t even know they were doing it. I also don’t control what’s posted on the Facebook so I thought I would be courteous and at least get some information out to people, guess that was wrong as well

  • None of these PDA’s for the game are based off London. Unlike the US, these officers are not Battalion chief vehicles which act as a command post (that’s what the ICCU is for) based out of stations, they are take home vehicles for anyone from the rank of Station Manager and above. Take this other service for example, they have 35 stations across the county and a total of 32 officers cars, most based out of Wholetime stations and headquarters and they are also take home vehicles. These missions that have a high count are based on the most serious of incidents where you will need a TacAd, and other specialist roles that are provided by other levels of incident command.
    You will not find a major incident anywhere around the UK that will have 1 or 2 officers cars attend. There were lots and lots of complaints from people on the US game when that was the only platform about how unrealistic it was, we are trying to set out so the UK game is realistic but now players don’t want that either?

    As for the colour changes, I didn’t even know they were doing it. I also don’t control what’s posted on the Facebook so I thought I would be courteous and at least get some information out to people, guess that was wrong as well

    @TACRfan I reckon majority of players appreciate the realism, we also appreciate the work you put in keeping us updated with the forums, its good to get a bit of an insider view, keep up the good work mate :D

  • @TACRfan-1). Sry that is nothing against you or your work here-> these are general problems, that you are not responsible for. But you have the line to the Dev's and can pass on the displeasure of the players.

    2). Realism is ok. But appropriate. When I say London, I mean the 4 or 5 larger cities in the UK where players have their stations and which could actually have so many FO's. But most play in their areas at home with a maximum of 1-2 cities. And these do not have as many FO's. And nobody will build a fire station for 1 FO in his home.
    You just don't have that many FO's. And a maximum of 1 ICCU in the entire district. THAT is also a reality. And now it is a matter of finding a reasonable middle ground between real ideas of the missions and the reality out there. What should be shown? Yes, we need more managers here. For most, many managers are already 1 ICCU and 4 FOs. Then you are already at the pain threshold. With more then FOs from other counties must be consulted with travel times between 1-2 hours. The absolute pain threshold for 90% of the players is max 5. Then all missions that also require a FO remain untreated. The 10% players who don't mind that are so big that even 10 FO's wouldn't mind.
    And I meant THAT. And you can get it over to the Dev's, we can't.do that.

    And then see the whole thing in relation to the other missions. The best example is -> Fire in an office building - Major Incident. 16 Engines :thumbdown: , 8 FO´s :cursing: and some other stuff for 7000 Credits.

    But then this here->Partial collapse of the building - 2 Engines, 2RSU,1 FO,1 Aerial Appliance+2 Police for 7500 Credits (500 more).

    Heathland fire - large -> would be almost correct-1 more water carrier is appropriate->>8 Engines,3FO´s, 1Water Carrier+1ICCU for 8000 Credits.

    So i would give the office fire 5 FO´s with 8000 Cr, Heathland fire 1 more WC 4 7500 Cr, and the Collaps 7000Cr.

    Do you now know what I mean? I know you can suggest it, but the dev's do what they want anyway. The HEMS in the UK or the forest fires in the US clearly show it. Here only the money is of interest and not your opinion. Quickly what a great cut out without sense and understanding. Countermeasures are very, very limited and possible to a very limited extent. Your opinion is only interesting if it brings money quickly. Expertise is not required. Yes yes, I know they have their own professionals blah blah. <X

    And again-Nothing against u, ok?

    Edited once, last by Locke1280 (April 28, 2020 at 6:22 AM).

  • None of these PDA’s for the game are based off London. Unlike the US, these officers are not Battalion chief vehicles which act as a command post (that’s what the ICCU is for) based out of stations, they are take home vehicles for anyone from the rank of Station Manager and above. Take this other service for example, they have 35 stations across the county and a total of 32 officers cars, most based out of Wholetime stations and headquarters and they are also take home vehicles. These missions that have a high count are based on the most serious of incidents where you will need a TacAd, and other specialist roles that are provided by other levels of incident command.
    You will not find a major incident anywhere around the UK that will have 1 or 2 officers cars attend. There were lots and lots of complaints from people on the US game when that was the only platform about how unrealistic it was, we are trying to set out so the UK game is realistic but now players don’t want that either?

    As for the colour changes, I didn’t even know they were doing it. I also don’t control what’s posted on the Facebook so I thought I would be courteous and at least get some information out to people, guess that was wrong as well

    You don't need to explain yourself, majority of us appreciate the changes.

    When I saw the changes to the Hospital Fire I was instantly excited! Sad? You decide.
    I saw it as a step towards the coming update!

    As for the claims about the FO's in players home locations being small I'd like to question if you actually know how many your service has? And what your knowledge/position is to be more in the know than the professionals the team have advising them?

    My home town is very small, the nearest major city is 50 minutes away (Cardiff), when we had a cleaning chemical Spill at a warehouse the response was huge and there were 6-8 FO's in attendance.

    If you are in the fire service and have the knowledge of resourcing levels etc then I'll be more inclined to pop up and support your argument but with your profile having no info I don't know whether you are or if you're a teenager from the BEV group who takes photos and is instantly a know it all :)

    (I have next to no fire service knowledge before anyone says anything - my knowledge stays with ambulance service)

  • You don't need to explain yourself, majority of us appreciate the changes.
    When I saw the changes to the Hospital Fire I was instantly excited! Sad? You decide.
    I saw it as a step towards the coming update!

    As for the claims about the FO's in players home locations being small I'd like to question if you actually know how many your service has? And what your knowledge/position is to be more in the know than the professionals the team have advising them?

    My home town is very small, the nearest major city is 50 minutes away (Cardiff), when we had a cleaning chemical Spill at a warehouse the response was huge and there were 6-8 FO's in attendance.

    If you are in the fire service and have the knowledge of resourcing levels etc then I'll be more inclined to pop up and support your argument but with your profile having no info I don't know whether you are or if you're a teenager from the BEV group who takes photos and is instantly a know it all :)

    (I have next to no fire service knowledge before anyone says anything - my knowledge stays with ambulance service)

    I was working for 33 years as paramedic in the forces and 16 Years at Ladder 43, 5 Years as Section Commander. Enough?

  • German Forces, German Fire Brigade in Partnership with English and American Stations,
    But this doesn´t matter.
    I have enough FO´s and all the otherstuff in Game.
    It's about the small and medium players. And it's just too much for them. Finished.
    If u get this missions, ok, nP, then struggle alone to manage them. Then u will know, what i´m meaning.

  • You don't need to explain yourself, majority of us appreciate the changes.
    When I saw the changes to the Hospital Fire I was instantly excited! Sad? You decide.
    I saw it as a step towards the coming update!

    As for the claims about the FO's in players home locations being small I'd like to question if you actually know how many your service has? And what your knowledge/position is to be more in the know than the professionals the team have advising them?

    My home town is very small, the nearest major city is 50 minutes away (Cardiff), when we had a cleaning chemical Spill at a warehouse the response was huge and there were 6-8 FO's in attendance.

    If you are in the fire service and have the knowledge of resourcing levels etc then I'll be more inclined to pop up and support your argument but with your profile having no info I don't know whether you are or if you're a teenager from the BEV group who takes photos and is instantly a know it all :)

    (I have next to no fire service knowledge before anyone says anything - my knowledge stays with ambulance service)

    I mean this with respect, I’m not going to comment on my job, however I can assure you that I do know what I am doing and I try to stay away from BEV if I can haha.

    Unfortunately it’s very difficult to be right for everywhere as they do differ however we are basing the response requirements off a real services PDA’s.

    I’ll break down the officers of the Major Incident so you can see as to why 8 are needed (if it was a hospital fire with 25 casualties it would most likely end up being higher than eight)

    1 Level 4 Incident Commander as Tactical Advisor
    4 Level 2 or 3 Officers
    1 Hazardous Materials and Environmental Protection Advisor
    1 Command Support Officer
    1 Brigade Manager

    As you can see there are various roles that are needed on scene and hence the need for all the officers, this also allows us to have different command level trainings in the future and actually give them a purpose.

    The county I was also referring to with their 32 officers for 35 stations doesn’t even have a million population so it’s not one of the biggest. As a general rule, you can find 1 or 2 of these cars often at a wholetime station, lots at headquarters, and then the rest take home, which hopefully soon we will have something that will make this easier for players to simulate.

  • @TACRfan->
    1 Incident Commander der Stufe 4 als taktischer Berater
    4 Offiziere der Stufe 2 oder 3
    1 Berater für Gefahrstoffe und Umweltschutz
    1 Befehlsunterstützungsoffizier
    1 Brigadenmanager
    Here i go with u, i know this all. 4 Officers + Driver+ Groupleader in the ICCU-and 5 other officers St2/3-What is wrong?=>1 ICCU+5FO´s ?(

    But i´m talking about the middleway between Realistic outside and playable for most of players.
    But now i shut up. Make what u want.

    @Alctw10 Stupid comment-> I (LondonDispatch inGame) don´t see u on the first side of the Leaderboard.

    Edited 2 times, last by Locke1280 (April 28, 2020 at 8:51 AM).

  • @Locke1280 sorry I didn't realise this was a who's **** is bigger contest

    I don't care what side you are on the Leaderboard, being one of the first alliances on the UK version and having close to 2,000 members is going to mean it's at the top.
    I congratulate your admins for their success, I know 1 of them from the US version and know that it's in great hands and can't compete with it.

    I'm happy with the position we are (2nd from top on page 2), we're not being bombarded with requests from being first on show and we're not too low that we need to worry people won't find us.
    We can enjoy playing the game which is what it's about right?
    We're proud of where we are considering we started on the UK version considerably late!

    I'd rather be in an alliance our size than yours.

    But for someone who's been in the German forces for so long I expected better from you than a childish remark about leaderboard position :huh:

  • It's not about me and my ego, it's about getting the best for all players. This game, I would like to repeat, is NOT a simulation but a building game. And it's about finding reasonable compromises between reality and play, nothing else.
    And now, we both should finish here.

  • I can provide some advice on how I do my setup in Hampshire. I'm not entirely sure how all of the officers are laid out in the county but I set myself up in such a way that meant I was able to secure myself neatly for the future and provide a bit of realism anyway. The service has 51 stations consisting mostly of retained.

    For each wholetime station, I have a level 2 commander: Total: 14.
    There are 8 groups within the county and each one has an allocated level 3 commander. In remote places like the New Forest, this is at a retained station. Total: 8
    I have allocated two level 4 commanders to HQ. Total: 2
    The service has 6 Command Support Units which are sent to most incidents requiring more than six pumps as they have extra BA cylinders, welfare items and a command structure.
    There is one Incident Command Unit based at HQ which goes to major incidents.

    24 officers, 7 command (which is very high to be honest, but I love it) - not bad. I could increase more at HQ if I needed to with HMEPA or specific officers like the Chief Fire Officer which I will use for calls which would require them realistically.

    Now how about Dorset and Wiltshire. A huge area with 50 stations - the vast majority of which are also retained.
    For each wholetime station, I have a level 2 commander: Total: 14.
    There are a total of 15 areas within the county so each one will get a level 3 commander. Total: 15
    I will allocate between 2 and 4 level 4 commanders, probably even between Wiltshire and Dorset or all from HQ - I haven't yet decided. Total: 4.
    There are two Incident Command Units - one for Dorset and one for Wiltshire. Total: 2.

    33 officers, 2 command units. 8 is high but it's a challenge. In reality, if the Command Unit is needed then that count of officers goes down to 7 anyway.

    More often than not, people who have such a large setup to be able to cope with major incident calls such as Hospital Fires, should plan ahead so they are in a comfortable position like this. All of this was done before any of the changes came into force so I could be ready for any event if needed. If you're like me and dislike these huge calls spawning, remove their POIs and that solves the issue - or have just one in a well resourced part of your county.

  • So I live in Derbyshire and I've been on a working fire ground and have spoken first hand to an incident officer. The call was a water transfer site which had taken hold of the roof and rubbish inside. The call was a MP 6 with 2 ALP 1 HVP and there must have been about 4 officers cars parked up.

    Another incident being a head in collision where it was MP2 with 2 officers being on site.

    Derbyshire publish where all there officer vehicles on a fleet list and they all say HQ. I for a fact know that my local station has 1 of the cars on that list parked there must days and maybe more if there training.

    So yes these updates might make some people struggle for a few days but come on the calls in question need more than 20+ stations combined. If your telling me that no one looks at the possible missions lists when they first started and went hmmmm. Looks like I'll be needing 5 officers if I build a new station let me save a bit extra so I can add them proves 2 things.

    1 No one reads it's when its packed with half the things you all ask on here.
    2 Goes to show how many people aren't playing as realistic as I thought.

    PS ..... currently I'm covering Bedfordshire in game as a challenge. If you don't know Bedfordshire is the smallest services with 14 stations in the UK. I can tell you from there fleet list they have 2 senior officers with Discoverys and then about 10 Sportages as pool cars which I would assume have lights etc

  • You are not going to get these major calls until you build up your setup, so it has no impact on new players or those with smaller setups. Some services will have more officers than others, but it's always proportionate.

    I am involved with a UK fire service and have attended plenty of incident grounds. The new requirements are absolutely appropriate for the game.

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