What's the use for hems RRV? Or dose it work the same as a normal one?

- Official Post
It's the same as a normal one for now. We have asked in the past for it to count towards the HEMS requirement as it does mostly the same job. Waiting to hear back on that.
It's the same as a normal one for now. We have asked in the past for it to count towards the HEMS requirement as it does mostly the same job. Waiting to hear back on that.
Fingers Crossed maybe make it more expensive.
- Official Post
Fingers Crossed maybe make it more expensive.
The building already costs a million credits.
The building already costs a million credits.
I mean make the RRV more expensive the 4 thousand, maybe 10 if this idea is implemented
It's the same as a normal one for now. We have asked in the past for it to count towards the HEMS requirement as it does mostly the same job. Waiting to hear back on that.
I would say it needs a staff update like the helicopter, Maybe to 2
Any Update on HEMS RRVs fufilling Hems requirements?
They are in the pipeline hopefully but not sure when :), maybe TACRfan can advise further?
- Official Post
Solution should be part of HART part 2
Solution should be part of HART part 2
This seems to have been forgeten by the devs
- Official Post
Unfortunately the update had to be cut last minute due to some other things, they are still on the list though
Unfortunately the update had to be cut last minute due to some other things, they are still on the list though
I see.
Any update on this?
Train rrv to Critical care station it at a hens base boom, no need to bump such a old thread
- Official Post
Critical care is now what’s required rather than hems so a CC trained car should count
- Official Post
Hmm ok. Let me know if you see any more
I can give you a list of misisobs that have it spawning
Edit: I gave more missions spawning with hems
Person Stuck In A Wood Chipper
Fire Arms Attack Major Incident
Serious Head Injury
3Rd Degrees Burns
Firearms Attack (non major)
Hotel Fire Major
Tramatic Lime Amputation
Oh ye I get HEMS requests all the time am I not supposed to?
Nope it was supposed to be removed in \HART pt 3
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