Hi all. Just a few ideas I have for the developers, feel free to add yours!
I believe that the hospitals expansions just need a complete overhaul.
Clinics I believe are the equivalent of an Urgent Care Centre and the General Internal expansion is appropriate to mirror this in the game.
The hospitals however, I think potentially we need different types of hospitals or at least the expansions changed. A lot of the current expansions are American and we are missing so many vital expansions as well as having unneeded ones.
I think we should have the following expansions/hospitals:
- Local Emergency Department
- Trauma Unit
- Major Trauma Centre (Only MTCs should be able to be transported to by HEMS as mostly only MTCs have helipads)
(This reflects the levels of hospitals designated by a regional trauma network in the UK. A Local ED provides the basics for most patients, a Major Trauma Centre is the designated place for any patient with significant traumatic injuries. A trauma unit bridges the gap by providing higher level care than a local ED and is able to treat patients with traumatic injuries which aren’t too serious to require an MTC or to stabilise a patient ready for transfer to an MTC if the MTC is deemed to be too far away. This could incorporate the patient transfer call in the game by having patients moved between different level hospitals)
There could also be other expansions of (for specialist hospitals):
- Stroke Unit (Neuro)
- Heart Attack Centre (Cardiothoracic)
- Burns Unit
- Maternity Unit (Obstetrics)
- Children’s Hospital or Department (Paediatrics)
Although this isn’t every single department/specialty this is what I feel would be best for the game as the majority of hospitals/trusts have most specialties or share them. These expansions/hospital options should be done so that you don’t need one expansion for the other so you can for example make a hospital which is purely Childrens or just a maternity hospital which is what it’s like irl. Local EDs and their hospital are able to treat most patients however there are major trauma centre, burns units etc so that patients with serious injuries/ailments can go to a hospital that specialises in that field.
My setup is currently in the North West, I have a hospitals which are purely childrens, some are purely maternity, some don’t have an emergency department but are the designated heart attack (cardiac) centre. Revamping hospitals like this would make it much more realistic and easier to use.