Some of these suggestions might have already been made, I am gonna repeat them especially since I made sure they weren’t made but couldn’t find any, again not the smartest person here and I know I am gonna get a ton of back lash what’s the worse that can happen? I get banned, so what, anyways I have a few suggestions:
1: Brush Stations: just a stand alone station for brush, have brush commander, brush engines, all the current and I am sure missing brush apparatus such as a camp crew, maybe a vehicle for sleeping or at least getting food. Also generates just brush related missions.
2: AFFR Stations: you can’t say there’s just one type of crash tender. This station would generate AFFR type calls, have a extension for some but not to many structural apparatus, would include an AFFR command (with training), hazmat (one vehicle not an extension), foam (two units not an extension), FAA investigator (or could put that in a airport police station with just airport police apparatus), stair unit, ambulances (a few) and whatever other AFFR units I might be missing, maybe even add purple k which is different from foam and water… and yes some departments such as South Metro Fire Rescue Colorado uses it, have light medium, and heavy rescue (only a few of each).
Life guard tower: cost 50k, unlocks at senior firefighter rank and only have a couple vehicles. Generates right away to missions like normal stations such as EMS, police, and fire. Again just another idea.
Fire apparatus ideas: Add a light rescue and medium rescue, fan unit (those do exist), light unit standalone, and a light and air unit combined, or just rework the air unit to also have light. Just some ideas, anyways let the haters come. Now maybe there can be some other suggestions.