Is there a way to exclude units form arrs?

  • Is there a way to say hey I don't want THAT specific police car to be picked up in the arr. I wish to do this too my Public order units so they don't get deployed as IRV and I'll use Lssm to give a separate section in deployment menu and deploy manually?

  • Gooochy July 4, 2022 at 10:22 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “A way to exclude specific Untis form arrs?” to “Is there a way to exclude units form arrs?”.
  • I mentioned this in the LSSM Discord, but I'll state here if anyone else is wondering.

    You could also custom class your PSU units, then select the box for "Only dispatch as custom class".

    Then you can create an ARR for all of those custom classes.

    This is what I've done so that my PSU units dont go as IRVs, but also still can be used in their own ARR.

    Professionally getting his posts deleted since 2021.

    "Childish and moronic"

  • This is quite a clunky solution, people wanted the PSU carries to count as a IRV but now they dispatch as one.
    I have 100 PSU carriers accross my setup and to assign each one to a individual class would be teedious and slow.

    It would be better if they just reverted it to how it was and for players to send an aditional IRV.

  • This is quite a clunky solution, people wanted the PSU carries to count as a IRV but now they dispatch as one.
    I have 100 PSU carriers accross my setup and to assign each one to a individual class would be teedious and slow.

    It would be better if they just reverted it to how it was and for players to send an aditional IRV.

    That might work for a PSU. However, putting inspectors,medics,sergeants,etc into an IRV will still require a custom class :)

    Professionally getting his posts deleted since 2021.

    "Childish and moronic"

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