The Car workshop fire got updated with new HART Requirements too
4 PRVs 2 SRVs: einsaetze/41 |
2 PRV 1 SRV: einsaetze/41 |
In my opinion it should be 2 prv 2 srv not either of the above

Car Workshop Fire
Both those missions show 2 PRV 1 SRV, the only difference is the foam requirement?
They also updated the power plant fire:
einsaetze/326 | = New (4 PRV 4 SRV) also needs 4 HART Bases
einsaetze/326 | = Old ( 2 prv 2 srv ) and added vairents with and without welfare which imo is just unessarcy
They also updated large nightclub fire major with a 1prv 1 srv vairent requiring 2 HART Bases which is far to high imo the station count needs to be lowered einsaetze/355 | and also 1 without welfare einsaetze/355 |
also updated the persons reported night club fire which requires 2 hart bases which is too high einsaetze/356 |
and also 1 without welfare einsaetze/356 | -
- Official Post
This wasnt asked for. These HART requirements are crazy
Seems interesting that the games goes down and then a bunch of missions have changed.
Maybe its because of the changes the game went down. -
Seems interesting that the games goes down and then a bunch of missions have changed.
Maybe its because of the changes the game went down.The devs confirmed that it was a mission change (removal of the Light Aircraft 4 PRV 4 SRV 2 Welfare variant) that caused players that had that mission generated to be unable to load the game!
The devs confirmed that it was a mission change (removal of the Light Aircraft 4 PRV 4 SRV 2 Welfare variant) that caused players that had that mission generated to be unable to load the game!
Ah wondeerfull
I did not see that, where has that been announced? -
Ah wondeerfull
I did not see that, where has that been announced?It was in a thread here:
They didn't state which mission, but it aligned with them removing 6 variants of the Light Aircraft Crash.
They also updated the power plant fire:
einsaetze/326 | = New (4 PRV 4 SRV) also needs 4 HART Bases
einsaetze/326 | = Old ( 2 prv 2 srv ) and added vairents with and without welfare which imo is just unessarcy
They also updated large nightclub fire major with a 1prv 1 srv vairent requiring 2 HART Bases which is far to high imo the station count needs to be lowered einsaetze/355 | and also 1 without welfare einsaetze/355 |
also updated the persons reported night club fire which requires 2 hart bases which is too high einsaetze/356 |
and also 1 without welfare einsaetze/356 | 4 PRV and 4 SRV definitely needs removing, and the 2 HART bases on nightclub fire should be reduced to 1 (units are fine here)
This wasnt asked for. These HART requirements are crazy
I don't understand why they do this, especially without consulting anyone, or informing us of changes. They've done some good changes recently (fixing small things) that they haven't even informed us of, for example:
Large Public Disturbance & Bar Fight & Protest, now needs 1 Public Order expansion to spawn
Car Jacking, now only asks for a traffic car is we have one
Medical Emergency While Driving, now has 100% patient transport chance (used to be 1%)
However, they then go do random stuff like this and it's so confusing. -
This wasnt asked for. These HART requirements are crazy
I agree it's crazy the devs should make a post about the upcoming mission changes without making the community find it them selves they do it on there German version all the time so a game/Facebook/forum message about it would be nice dosent matter which but should happen, you guys should be informed about the changes
It was in a thread here:
They didn't state which mission, but it aligned with them removing 6 variants of the Light Aircraft Crash.
The 4 PRV and 4 SRV definitely needs removing, and the 2 HART bases on nightclub fire should be reduced to 1 (units are fine here)
I don't understand why they do this, especially without consulting anyone, or informing us of changes. They've done some good changes recently (fixing small things) that they haven't even informed us of, for example:
Large Public Disturbance & Bar Fight & Protest, now needs 1 Public Order expansion to spawn
Car Jacking, now only asks for a traffic car is we have one
Medical Emergency While Driving, now has 100% patient transport chance (used to be 1%)
However, they then go do random stuff like this and it's so confusing.These ones are good but yet again the community should be informed
edit: einsaetze/298 | was updated to require 2 mass cass extensions for seemingly no reason it has 1 mce 1 ambulance officer so it should really need 1 not 2
einsaetze/300 | Large Aircraft Crash Off Airport is missing a Police Helicopter station requirement ( all vairents missing)
einsaetze/403 | updated to require 2 hart bases instead of one (requires 2 prv 2 srv)(sorry if these links arent allowed I just think it helps the advisors which knowing exactly which vairent has a issue)
- Official Post
Links are allowed as they are to the game. I have informed the devs of the issues
Thank you TACR!
Links are allowed as they are to the game. I have informed the devs of the issues
Thank you!
- Official Post
The missions will be changed and the devs have said they won’t update missions without me telling them or getting my approval in the future
The missions will be changed and the devs have said they won’t update missions without me telling them or getting my approval in the future
That's awesome, lets hope they stick to that last part... Seems like they've been a bit more willing to work with you/advisors recently?
- Official Post
Hopefully. Maybe it’s because if started being a lot more blunt 😆
Lol but they shouldnt change these missions without consolting you
Hopefully. Maybe it’s because if started being a lot more blunt 😆
Haha maybe - We shall see how it goes in the future
Just wanna say thank you to the devs for updating missions today for those who dont know these are the changes
Vehicle changesCar Workshop Fire (persons reported) (a, ab) - 1 SRV -> 2 SRV
Car Workshop Fire (persons reported) (ac, abc) - 2 SRV -> 3 SRV
Large fire in nightclub (Persons Reported) (Major Incident) (0,1) - 2PRV, 2SRV -> 1PRV, 1SRVBuilding Requirement Changes
Large fire in nightclub (Major Incident) (a, ab) - 2 HART Bases -> 1 required
University halls fire (Major) (a) - 2 Mass Cas Building -> 1 Mass Cas Building Required
Large Aircraft Crash Off Airport (All variations) Now require 1 Police Heli Station
So what needs to be changed missions all have 4 prv 3 srv required should be 2 srv 2 srv like the other vairents of the car workshop fire
The following Power Plant Missions have a too high requirement of 4 HART Bases (2 PRV 2 SRV - Fine)
The following variants have a too high requirement of 4 HART Bases (4 PRV 4 SRV - Too High) -
UPDATE: The following mission vairents need to be removed.
Power Station Fire (4 HART Bases - 2 PRV 2 SRV) - A Vairent exists with exactly the same requirements just with lower station requirement of 1 HART Base - Needs to be removed (without foam) (same HART just with foam)
Power Station Fire (4 HART Bases 4 PRV 4 SRV) - Far too high requirements all round - Needs to be removed (without foam)…ve_overlays=abc (same HART just with foam)
Car Workshop Fire - Persons Reported (1 HART Base 4 PRV 3 SRV) Vairent exists with 2 PRV 2 SRV (with foam) (without foam)
Car Workshop Fire - Persons Reported (1 HART Base 2 PRV 1 SRV) Vairent exists with 2 PRV 2 SRV (Without foam) (with foam)
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