What happened to certain missions?

  • Not sure where to post this as it is just a general question, not a complaint or a bug report (but I am sure I will be corrected if wrong place).

    What happened to certain missions that seemed to be spawned by various POIs? I used to routinely get vehicle fires in a parking garage, high rise fires, and so forth that seemed to be related to the POIs I had in place. These incidents have stopped spawning and to my knowledge I have not changed any settings?

    Any ideas?

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • The spawn of the missions is random and there will be periods of times where missions come and go for lack of a better term. This is how you'll have six or seven high rise fires back to back and then none for a long period of time.

    The missions themselves haven't been removed from the game, you just haven't reached the spot in the mission spawn table again where you'll see those missions.

  • The spawn of the missions is random and there will be periods of times where missions come and go for lack of a better term. This is how you'll have six or seven high rise fires back to back and then none for a long period of time.

    The missions themselves haven't been removed from the game, you just haven't reached the spot in the mission spawn table again where you'll see those missions.

    If that is what you think ok...but I can tell you it has been well over 2 or 3 months since I have had any of those missions.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • For someone who has been playing for 8 months I would assume that you would know where to find the possible missions list to check what missions are currently in the game? In my almost 3 years of playing on both the AU and US platforms I've never known them to remove missions entirely. Tweak ? Yes. Change the title? Absolutely. Remove entirely? No.

  • Missions haven’t been removed as far as I’m aware, however there is a known bug with POI missions not spawning. This has existed for at least 5 years. It came about with the original large boat missions. The problem is, it’s completely random what missions it affects and for who it affects, it can also come and go. Both the current devs and previous dev tried to find the source of the error but couldn’t. What ever it is it’s deep inside the mission generation code. Sadly this is something that probably will never be fixed

  • If that is what you think ok...but I can tell you it has been well over 2 or 3 months since I have had any of those missions.

    He is right, I've had both of the missions you speak of spawn in the past day, it's just random.

  • An example of this bug occurred for me last night. In 2020 a missions “Nuclear Power Station Incident (Major incident) was added to the UK game, despite meeting all the requirement from day 1, I only just got my first one of these last night. Other missions I haven’t got in years

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