Specialised hospitals

  • hello so I'm wondering who would like the idea of having specialised hospitals on the game. Let me explain.... so some hospitals mainly specialise in say cardiology where as others may specalise in eye surgery for instance as well as being a general hospital (hopefully your still with me on this). Now it would be only two easy to create cardiology on a hospital already build in game but i think it would be more fun to actually have a specialised feature for hospitals in the game so then the player can decide whether said hospitals are going to specialise in anything. What are your thoughts ?

  • A pediatric speacialist hospital could be a cool addition, if we had the addition of missions that needed it, but the rest of the speacialisations is already in game, but I think what we more need is a UK overhall of hospital departments as what we've got is just a copy of the departments found in the US version, wouldnt be major changes, but enough, like having a "major trauma department"

  • A pediatric speacialist hospital could be a cool addition, if we had the addition of missions that needed it, but the rest of the speacialisations is already in game, but I think what we more need is a UK overhall of hospital departments as what we've got is just a copy of the departments found in the US version, wouldnt be major changes, but enough, like having a "major trauma department"

    Yes I agree also hospitals having heli pads so they can only land at certain hospitals.

    Also maybe burns units or extension.

  • My only concern with Helipads is that it would likely also need HEMS missions as well, and whilst Im not entirely opposed to this, I do quite like not having to worry about my HEMS capacity. At the moment they are an entirely optional unit, helpful and great for RP, but could be completely ignored if you wanted too. I have enough issues with not having enough NPAS units at times at the moment. If/when we get the ambulance update, and HEMS because more valuable, then it might be a nice addition, but im fairly certain all hospitals with MTC have a helipad out of necessity and so I'd just consider it bundled with that. Though I wouldnt be opposed to them not being able to transport to a clinic

  • My only concern with Helipads is that it would likely also need HEMS missions as well, and whilst Im not entirely opposed to this, I do quite like not having to worry about my HEMS capacity. At the moment they are an entirely optional unit, helpful and great for RP, but could be completely ignored if you wanted too. I have enough issues with not having enough NPAS units at times at the moment. If/when we get the ambulance update, and HEMS because more valuable, then it might be a nice addition, but im fairly certain all hospitals with MTC have a helipad out of necessity and so I'd just consider it bundled with that. Though I wouldnt be opposed to them not being able to transport to a clinic

    HEMS needs overhauled majorly.

    It needs reintroduced to calls but make it so that it is a % chance on calls that's needed and then calls that have loads of patients make it so that only a % of patients need it.

    They also need to be able to act as a full ambulance too so they can be sent to do patient transfer calls this would be really good for folk playing remote areas where transfers to specialist hospitals is needed.

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  • HEMS needs overhauled majorly.

    It needs reintroduced to calls but make it so that it is a % chance on calls that's needed and then calls that have loads of patients make it so that only a % of patients need it.

    They also need to be able to act as a full ambulance too so they can be sent to do patient transfer calls this would be really good for folk playing remote areas where transfers to specialist hospitals is needed.

    Total overhaul of ambulances, with the addition of advanced paramedics and doctors, then yeah, HEMS requirement would be cool (though i'd have HEMS requirement be completeable by both HEMS and HEMS Cars) but just adding HEMS requirements to current missions without any other chnages would suck. Though yeah, I do agree in removing ambulance requirements or change it so that RRV was sufficient would be a nice QoL change, though I dont know how realistic that would be

  • As previously mentioned in other threads, hospitals will receive an update, this will not happen immediately but in the future.

    As I'm sure youll understand, I can not give any indication of time.

    As for HEMS, the current system was implemented before I became the Ambulance CA.

    The way Critical Care is done now is more realistic and offers flexibility for all members.

    I do agree that HEMS helicopter should be able to manage some calls by themselves and this is something we have been working on with the DEVs.

    May I please remind all to check the forums before making suggestions to avoid double posting.

    I'm now closing this thread as we're repeating previous threads.

    As always, please feel free to message me with any thoughts and suggestions.

  • Alctw10 March 17, 2023 at 5:14 AM

    Closed the thread.

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