Patrol Boats

  • I find it odd that patrol boats is under police tab, it should be under water I feel, or have a police water tab and a fire water tab, also odd patrol boats can be dispatched to non water related calls same honestly with SWR boats not including heavy rescue with boat, that doesn’t make since, as for the patrol boats, I have a couple as our sheriffs department has one on a trailer, is there anyway to work around that, I just find it odd a patrol boat not on a trailer or near water can be dispatched, simple fix of adding the option of police boat with trailer giving the option of any police vehicle to tow it then. Thoughts on it?

  • I find it odd that patrol boats is under police tab, it should be under water I feel, or have a police water tab and a fire water tab, also odd patrol boats can be dispatched to non water related calls same honestly with SWR boats not including heavy rescue with boat, that doesn’t make since, as for the patrol boats, I have a couple as our sheriffs department has one on a trailer, is there anyway to work around that, I just find it odd a patrol boat not on a trailer or near water can be dispatched, simple fix of adding the option of police boat with trailer giving the option of any police vehicle to tow it then. Thoughts on it?

    I guess they can't remember to address every single issue that come up...every little nook and cranny. You can dispatch any unit from any of your facilities on any call.. It just will not impact the outcome of the incident unless it is required. I see no issue with the boats... just gotta live with it until they revise again.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • I guess they can't remember to address every single issue that come up...every little nook and cranny. You can dispatch any unit from any of your facilities on any call.. It just will not impact the outcome of the incident unless it is required. I see no issue with the boats... just gotta live with it until they revise again.

    Okay not as big of an issue, probably the only annoying thing is the fact there’s one without a trailer, should be one with a trailer, or on a police vehicle (NYPD ESU have a couple that have that), also simple putting it in its own tab or in the water tab, for people who have dyslexia like me and who even with color codes get confused but want to play realistic especially if there’s alliances who have rules against stuff like that it would be really helpful. But I am not smart and no nothing about the emergency services according to a ton of people.

  • Okay not as big of an issue, probably the only annoying thing is the fact there’s one without a trailer, should be one with a trailer, or on a police vehicle (NYPD ESU have a couple that have that), also simple putting it in its own tab or in the water tab, for people who have dyslexia like me and who even with color codes get confused but want to play realistic especially if there’s alliances who have rules against stuff like that it would be really helpful. But I am not smart and no nothing about the emergency services according to a ton of people.

    "should be" "could be".... While I have some concerns about the way some units are used or labeled or where they are in terms of TABS in the response window, I understand that there are literally 1000's of fire departments across the world (27,000+ in just the US Registry). With that being said, the developers can not cover ever single aspect that is different in each department and they miss some stuff. I get that it concerns us but they can not meet all our demands/requests/wishes

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • "should be" "could be".... While I have some concerns about the way some units are used or labeled or where they are in terms of TABS in the response window, I understand that there are literally 1000's of fire departments across the world (27,000+ in just the US Registry). With that being said, the developers can not cover ever single aspect that is different in each department and they miss some stuff. I get that it concerns us but they can not meet all our demands/requests/wishes

    Apparently you missed the part or maybe I am just dumb as you claimed I am pretty much, I said it’s not as big of an issue, then I went on to give an example not saying that’s how it had to be and that I wanted it and what not, you know I am done being abused, and harassed on here, I won’t post anymore if only I can find a way to delete this account on the board.

  • Apparently you missed the part or maybe I am just dumb as you claimed I am pretty much, I said it’s not as big of an issue, then I went on to give an example not saying that’s how it had to be and that I wanted it and what not, you know I am done being abused, and harassed on here, I won’t post anymore if only I can find a way to delete this account on the board.

    I cannot for the life of me identify any abuse or harassment? Nor can I find anywhere on this thread anyone calling you dumb? This is a forum for discussion of ideas and opinions. People don't all think alike and don't always agree. That is not hostile, not abuse and not harassment. You've said what you wanted to, and anyone is entitled to reply with their feelings on the matter. If you aren't comfortable with the environment then so be it, but I don't see the need to accuse other people of abuse based on them disagreeing with you. I don't personally know how to delete an account, I'm sure a Mod or Admin will be able to advise, but in the meantime if you aren't comfortable on this forum, simply not logging on would be a solution.

    I'd also like to ask either TACRfan or any other staff member to consider locking this thread as I don't want to see it spiral downward as a few other threads sometimes do when conversations get heated or out of control.

  • I find it odd that patrol boats is under police tab, it should be under water I feel, or have a police water tab and a fire water tab, also odd patrol boats can be dispatched to non water related calls same honestly with SWR boats not including heavy rescue with boat, that doesn’t make since, as for the patrol boats, I have a couple as our sheriffs department has one on a trailer, is there anyway to work around that, I just find it odd a patrol boat not on a trailer or near water can be dispatched, simple fix of adding the option of police boat with trailer giving the option of any police vehicle to tow it then. Thoughts on it?

    Since the education requirement for patrol boat is Ocean Navigation leads me to believe that the original intent was the patrol boats were more inline with a harbor patrol unit. Used for patrolling harbors or coastal waters as well as the great lakes.

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