I think the potential for casualties should be added to roof fires. This would represent potential firefighters getting hurt, or civilians in the structure.

Roof Fires
I think the potential for casualties should be added to roof fires. This would represent potential firefighters getting hurt, or civilians in the structure.
I may be wrong but I thought there was an expanded or escalating mission off the roof fire that has injuries.
- Official Post
A Roof Fire can expand to an Industrial Fire or Commercial Fire, which will have patients.
A Firefighter Down/Mayday would probably be better suited as a different call.
As for a patient on this call, we could definitely look at this, like the potential for a worker to have been injured?
A Roof Fire can expand to an Industrial Fire or Commercial Fire, which will have patients.
A Firefighter Down/Mayday would probably be better suited as a different call.
As for a patient on this call, we could definitely look at this, like the potential for a worker to have been injured?
Maybe a “follow-up call” as a “FF down” panic button activated type (but on the fire side) or use a roof fire as “chainsaw accident” follow up. (Could also use tree in roadway now that I’m thinking.)
Maybe a “follow-up call” as a “FF down” panic button activated type (but on the fire side) or use a roof fire as “chainsaw accident” follow up. (Could also use tree in roadway now that I’m thinking.)
AS I have said before, we lose over 100 firefighters each year to LODD and injure hundreds of thousands. I am not in favor of any call that makes firefighters getting hurt part of the game. Just my opinion..
I understand and can appreciate that, but does that mean that the “fire truck accident” “ambulance accident” “shots fired at officer” and “officer down“ missions should be removed. As these calls are all first responder injuries, specifically the “officer down”
AS I have said before, we lose over 100 firefighters each year to LODD and injure hundreds of thousands. I am not in favor of any call that makes firefighters getting hurt part of the game. Just my opinion..
You complain all the time that the game isn't realistic enough. Yet you take issue with missions involving firefighters which does help to make the game more realistic. You don't seem to mind the missions that have police officers getting shot or hurt or Ambulances having accidents. Kind of hypocritical of you.
You complain all the time that the game isn't realistic enough. Yet you take issue with missions involving firefighters which does help to make the game more realistic. You don't seem to mind the missions that have police officers getting shot or hurt or Ambulances having accidents. Kind of hypocritical of you.
For the record I am opposed to anything simulating any injury to ANY first responder and that includes officer down, ambulance accidents etc., and complaints about reality have centered around some of the dispatch compliments and the frequency of generation of certain incidents (30 -40 wildland incidents within seconds) and the fact that boats travel across land to get to water missions where there is no water. I have sent these issues forward to the help folks. Thanks so much for continuing to scrutinize my posts... Have a wonderful day
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