New Flood / HVP Update!

  • Taken from Facebook:

    Dear MissionChief community,

    in the event of flooding or more serious water damage, it is important to have proper equipment to remove the water as quickly as possible. Pumps can have different capabilities, which affects how much water can be pumped out over time. 💦

    This is now also simulated in MissionChief, where water damage and flood missions now have a predefined amount of water that must be pumped out. Pump-equipped vehicles have a pumping capacity that determines how long it takes to pump a certain amount of water. In most missions, a minimum amount of pump capacity must be on site before the pumping process begins. In missions requiring pumps, a bar shows you the total capacity required, the capacity already at the site, the capacity on the way, the capacity selected for dispatch and the capacity still missing. 🚒

    Here is what the new flood update contains:

    New Extensions: 🏢

    - Water Damage and Flood Extension

    New Vehicles: 🚒

    - High Volume Pump Trailer

    On top of this, there are two additional updates.

    1: The Staging Area can now be removed.

    2: The Award Page has undergone a makeover.

    We have also added new flood missions that will require the new units. 🚨

    To celebrate the update you get 24 hours of double credits! 🎊

    How do you like the new content? What content would you like us to add next to the game? Let us know in the comments! 🖊

    Your MissionChief team

  • And whats with the PM-HVP ?

    What if i just want the missions, but dont want the additional spaces ?

    You'll still be able to use the PM-HPV combination for these missions.

    If you don't want the additional spaces, no idea unfortunately. The devs didn't need to put this behind an extension wall, there's no need when it seems every pump has the exact same capacity... Good to see new and interesting content however not very thought through. Would love to see the content advisors' take on this however they have been silent on MCUK for some time now...

  • You'll still be able to use the PM-HPV combination for these missions.

    If you don't want the additional spaces, no idea unfortunately. The devs didn't need to put this behind an extension wall, there's no need when it seems every pump has the exact same capacity... Good to see new and interesting content however not very thought through. Would love to see the content advisors' take on this however they have been silent on MCUK for some time now...

    And pumping missions only pop up within the radius of the extension i suppose.

    I have to say, in this form this is...nothing. At least.

  • I have no clue what the deal is with this update, we've had absolutely zero communication from staff for almost two months and out of nowhere we've gotten a broken weird update nobody asked for that seems to have had no guidance from the UK team whatsoever.

    First of all, why an HVP trailer? the only pump trailer for flood response across the entire UK I've been able to find is a couple in Lincolnshire, so a bonus for some minority that plays there I guess. I have no clue if this is actually giving the HVP module a use well over a year since it's inception as I, and I'm sure most players aren't all too interested in getting some 'water damage pump' extension purely for 6 missions that do not even work (that is unless you want to send 6 command units to a mission?).

    Fair enough if there is an extension for say this weird HVP trailer and it's module counterpart that generates severe flooding missions on top of standard flooding missions generated anyways but this extension not only gives you spaces for a vehicle that has basically no use to the majority of players it just generates missions that should be able to be dealt with without the extension. To me looking at how the missions are worded, how command units have been somehow confused with fire officers and how not a single mission makes use of the somewhat newly added and fairly unused inland rescue boats (funnily enough these are generally considered essential in flooding scenarios?) and how not a single staff member has said anything about this (or not anything at all (for a WHILE)) makes me think this was an update quickly shovelled out by the devs which had practically no thought or assistance from the advisory team put into it.

  • Enables the purchase of pump trailers. Adds 2 vehicle slots for them.

    Well Sadly this doesnt seem to be the case , buy the extension , finish it with coins to see and hello no extra spaces

    I wondered if I had just misinterpreted the part about getting 2 additions vehicle slots, glad it wasn't just me who interpreted it that way. I was a little annoyed at not getting the additional slots too.

  • I wondered if I had just misinterpreted the part about getting 2 additions vehicle slots, glad it wasn't just me who interpreted it that way. I was a little annoyed at not getting the additional slots too.

    Given the likes of the mass casualty etc all say that and give you a couple of spaces but this one doesnt appear to sadly

  • Is it worth me raising it in the bug forum? I'm fairly new here and haven't figured things out yet.

    This can be raised in the bug forum however it definitely needs to be raised to the devs directly via the app "contact us" section.

    Weren't High Volume Pump trailers already a thing?

    HVP pods are a thing. They require a pod space and PM to "tow" aka carry them. Trailers can be towed by other vehicles and do not require a "POD" parking space, just take up a regular vehicle slot.

  • HVP pods are a thing. They require a pod space and PM to "tow" aka carry them. Trailers can be towed by other vehicles and do not require a "POD" parking space, just take up a regular vehicle slot.

    Yeah, i've got a few stations with them already, so when it said "added new vehicle" i wanted to double check that I wasnt going crazy as I couldnt find any specific new vehicle called a "High volume pump" only the Pod that I've already got.

    But have seen the thing called a "pump trailer" which I take it is the new thing. Not that I see any point to actually equip any station with that specific unit though. Seems like water carriers can handle that job just fine

  • Yeah, i've got a few stations with them already, so when it said "added new vehicle" i wanted to double check that I wasnt going crazy as I couldnt find any specific new vehicle called a "High volume pump" only the Pod that I've already got.

    But have seen the thing called a "pump trailer" which I take it is the new thing. Not that I see any point to actually equip any station with that specific unit though. Seems like water carriers can handle that job just fine

    i see looking thrtu the possible missions one thing that will vary is the pumping capacity , so possibly haveing the pump trailer and the cater carrier might be all ya need to get it over the line possibly , just my 2 cents thinking

  • i see looking thrtu the possible missions one thing that will vary is the pumping capacity , so possibly haveing the pump trailer and the cater carrier might be all ya need to get it over the line possibly , just my 2 cents thinking

    Depends on whether or not pumps "stack". 2x Water ladders (2000 l/min) equal the pumping power of a pump trailer. Or if you specifically need one unit with the 4000 l/min

  • Depends on whether or not pumps "stack". 2x Water ladders (2000 l/min) equal the pumping power of a pump trailer. Or if you specifically need one unit with the 4000 l/min

    Yup completely understand and agree , having them stackable would be handy espcially with smller stations etc , but your guess is as good as mine

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