i maybe abit dumb here, but does this make it easier to dispatch units or is it done automatically?

LSS Manager for missionchief
There is no automation at all, that's also not allowed. All plugins are there to make it more convenient and add more features.
I use LSSM on Google Chrome and have the transport request notification turned on. Even though I have alliance radio turned off, I get notifications from Alliance ambos. It would be nice to implement something that would either automatically turn alliance ambo notification off, or an additional setting to do so.
Also, It would be nice to have a detailed description of what all the options ("apps") do, either in-game or here on the forum page.
I use LSSM on Google Chrome and have the transport request notification turned on. Even though I have alliance radio turned off, I get notifications from Alliance ambos. It would be nice to implement something that would either automatically turn alliance ambo notification off, or an additional setting to do so.
Also, It would be nice to have a detailed description of what all the options ("apps") do, either in-game or here on the forum page.
Hey, we will look into that - have you checked the settings of that app?
A list of all apps and more detailed explanations will follow on the lss-manager website.Just got back from my vacation and i am already working on it again.
Thanks Lost! I'll look into it when I get a chance.
How do you even use it?
- Official Post
How do you even use it?
You need the browser plugin tampermonkey, then click this link:
LSSM V3 INSTALLATIONDescription follows soon - as well as a english video about the script.
Really like this plug in! Great job guys!
I have noticed there are still somethings that could use translation though -
May I ask how to install it? I just downloaded it, but I cant get it work.
Can I pls get some help.
May I ask how to install it? I just downloaded it, but I cant get it work.
Can I pls get some help.
you have to get the chrome extension called tampermonkey then download the link
Aha sorry I missed that part, my N00b
Thx for the help, most appreciated.
Not just chrome, i use Opera and works fine
1800 Users!
Hopefully the 3.2.5 or possible 3.3 release will happen within the next month. Stay tuned!
I keep getting an error message when I try to run it
dallasfirefan, look at previous post. I had the same problem. You need the chrome extension called tampermonkey then download the link again.
Good luck!
Just as a FYI the dashboard is in German. I dont know if this has been brought up before but just wanted to let you know.
edit: this description is also in German:
I finally figured out the heat map, which was pretty cool, but I can't get the draw circles around stations function to work. I made a test account on http://www.leitstellenspiel.de and it worked on that site, but it doesn't work for me on http://www.missionchief.com
Also, the github wiki states that there is a night mode, however I wasn't able to find that on either http://www.leitstellenspiel.de or http://www.missionchief.com for either (running v3.2.4).
Any insight?
@x911x626 thanks for the headup - there is a translation issue which stops the plugin from executing. That's why the station management on map is not working currently (3.2.5beta).
The nightmode is a function of the version 2, which has not been implemented in the version 3 of LSSM. We had a long break so there where no updates recently...We'll probably continue coding new features starting next month - fix for that issue should be delivered earlier than that.
Thanks for the reply, I look forward to any future updates!
We also want to give you a "little" Santa Claus present.
Version 3.3.0
Yeah, you're listening right. There is now a new version for everyone.The beta users of our site had now had a few months to find out the most important bugs and report them to us.
This is what they did. We were able to fixx some things.In the same breath, of course, there are also some new add-ons that our developers have made either alone or together.
The release notes can be found in the spoiler:
Display Spoiler
- NEW: Releasenotes Plugin
- NEW: Settings in one place
- NEW: Filters for hospitals
- NEW: AAO-Click-Counter
- NEW: AAO duration
- FIX : Bugfix in the module FMS5inMap
- FIX: Some translations added for Dutch
- FIX: Refactoring Missionkeywords
- FIX: Refactoring Missionhelper
- CHANGED: Credits added to Missionhelper
- REMOVE: CoinConfirm
Have fun with this:)
Image is released from Pixabay and for free use.
P. S. : Many thanks a lot we are soon 3000 people. You are crazy
: D -
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