[CLOSED] Dummie is Making a Discord to Alliance Chat bot. Read description for explanation.

  • Alright so i was on a Auto-Transport idea post when i got a idea from a post.

    Quote from Ascot114

    It is

    Use of tools, scripts, bots or other computer programs

    Users are not allowed to use tools, scripts, bots or other computer programs which are suitable for the automatic execution of actions in a game.

    The only scripts that are allowed are ones that don't aid in dispatching or selecting units."
    So as the stupid coder i am decided to reply with "So if i made a bot that didn't help in dispatching or selecting units it wouldn't be against TOS?" and he basically told me that webhooks exist but i might be able to do that.

    So uh here we are.. Some guy that doesn't really know alot about making bots attempting to make a discord to web bot. It doesn't seem possible from your end but from my end with the 5 gems.. Tutorials,Coffee, Replit, StackOverflow, Python i could make it possible.

    Will post updates and stuff for info about this project.

    IMPORTANT EDIT: Please note i don't wanna get in trouble, Please don't post any more messages in here until high ranks reply to me in gmail.

    Katnip or anyone from the Anti-bot team if you're reading this please tell me if i can do this because i don't really wanna get in trouble.

    🌯 Burrito tech team founder 🌯

    Edited once, last by Space (September 29, 2022 at 6:38 PM).

  • Update: Making bot in python. BARELY started since i was looking for tutorials on html and nextcord (discord.py fork). Discord will be made soon for anyone that would like to get sneak peaks and stuff :)

    Update: Making bot in python. BARELY started since i was looking for tutorials on html and nextcord (discord.py fork). Discord will be made soon for anyone that would like to get sneak peaks and stuff :)


    BIGGG Issue, I don't know tons of python..

    Might pause this project. Reason: I don't have enough knowledge for this for now.. Might un pause it later when someone agrees to help or something.

    Post 5: I'm a idiot, If a anti bot team member is looking at this just know that i deleted the replit of this bot and i'm not even gonna work on it any more. All the code has been deleted.

    🌯 Burrito tech team founder 🌯

    Edited 2 times, last by Space: Merged 3 posts created by Space into this post. (September 29, 2022 at 6:28 PM).

  • Just to add for the record.

    I added my interpretation of the rules based on the following.
    1 What the devs have provided (IE the webhook for alliance missions)
    2 What the devs have approved so far interms of lss manager.

    This is not me saying what your doing it within or not within the games TOS.

    In simple terms check before you expose yourself to potentially getting banned for breachin the TOS.

  • Space September 15, 2022 at 4:24 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Making a Discord to Alliance Chat bot. Read description for explanation.” to “Dummie is Making a Discord to Alliance Chat bot. Read description for explanation.”.
  • This has got to be against the TOS and based on the number of times I have been chastised for just posting in the wrong forum, I think it should be addressed. makes me wonder if this is not someone that has been banned and has come back under a different name

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • LSSM is recognised by the devs. Any other external program needs to be approved by them otherwise it’s in breach of the Terms of Service. A bot that looks to identify future updates that haven’t been announced or automate processes in the game will not be allowed.

    Repeating myself to try and improve the game with about a 20% success rate

  • This has got to be against the TOS and based on the number of times I have been chastised for just posting in the wrong forum, I think it should be addressed. makes me wonder if this is not someone that has been banned and has come back under a different name

    No, I haven't even been banned. I started Mission chief like 2-4 months ago and ii don't even got alts, Like my only account on Mission chief is "SpaceModder" or "Space_Modder" idk if it has a _ or not.

    🌯 Burrito tech team founder 🌯

  • LSSM is recognised by the devs. Any other external program needs to be approved by them otherwise it’s in breach of the Terms of Service. A bot that looks to identify future updates that haven’t been announced or automate processes in the game will not be allowed.

    Great, Time to contact the devs again even tho i got no response the last time. (By the way, Do i use google translate to speak to them in German or not? I think that's why they didn't respond)

    🌯 Burrito tech team founder 🌯

  • Space September 29, 2022 at 6:37 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Dummie is Making a Discord to Alliance Chat bot. Read description for explanation.” to “[CLOSED] Dummie is Making a Discord to Alliance Chat bot. Read description for explanation.”.
  • TACRfan September 30, 2022 at 4:12 PM

    Closed the thread.

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