Hospitals & Clinics

  • So after playing this game a bit and expanding into EMS, I'm beginning to see why folks in my alliance and on the forums take veiled shots at hospitals... haha!

    I think its time to see changes in how hospitals release patients. For the way this game spawns missions, once an hour just isn't enough, even if you purposefully spread patients across all the hospitals across the region of the accident. Instead of once per hour, perhaps something have each patient on their own timer, with times somewhere around these:

    - 1 Hour for patients requiring only a BLS level of care

    - 3 Hours for patients requiring only an ALS level of care

    - 5 Hours for patients requiring HEMS

    I do understand that for some folks this might not be realistic enough, but I'm also trying to think from a game dev perspective. A more complicated change would be to assign each emergency code a hospital length stay (perhaps even as a range with some RNG) and let that be the time for each patient.

    I also would like to see hospitals be increased in size significantly. 30 beds is unrealistically small, ESPECIALLY for hospitals with all specializations available within the game. Perhaps there is a way to tie extra beds to specializations, and we could grow our hospitals to Level 1 Trauma centers and unlock more beds? Thats spitballing though... hopefully it inspires someone to run with it towards a better idea.


  • Agree on the increase in beds and also with the changes in relief, but the concept listed seems complicated and the developers may not want to dive in there.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Agree on the increase in beds and also with the changes in relief, but the concept listed seems complicated and the developers may not want to dive in there.

    It is more complicated than the current system, but it isn't an excessive amount of coding to do something like this. In fact, the hardest parts are already there in a basic form to imitate as it seems like there already is a timer and RNG tied to patient calls!

    My initial thought was just increase bed #s as well, but that doesn't really help... because hospitals can't release more than 24 patients a day, those extra beds really only come in handy when you take a day off. They effectively act as a bandaid without solving the issue. And if this is where the devs wants us to spend coins and support the game, the cheapest pack is 30 coins. There are missions that spawn with more patients than that. Not worth the $3 and 10 cents a bed in my opinion. I'm okay with supporting the game and the devs (we all have to eat, and I love that the game is ad-free!), but that spending equation doesn't work for me.

  • It is more complicated than the current system, but it isn't an excessive amount of coding to do something like this. In fact, the hardest parts are already there in a basic form to imitate as it seems like there already is a timer and RNG tied to patient calls!

    My initial thought was just increase bed #s as well, but that doesn't really help... because hospitals can't release more than 24 patients a day, those extra beds really only come in handy when you take a day off. They effectively act as a bandaid without solving the issue. And if this is where the devs wants us to spend coins and support the game, the cheapest pack is 30 coins. There are missions that spawn with more patients than that. Not worth the $3 and 10 cents a bed in my opinion. I'm okay with supporting the game and the devs (we all have to eat, and I love that the game is ad-free!), but that spending equation doesn't work for me.

    First....let me say to the admins/moderators and developers I am not complaining. I am just offering an opinion. If they simply changed the release to 1 patient every 30 minutes and increased the amount of hospital beds (60 in US Game) that would help. I just had one of those New Year's Events generate that had 190 patients!!! To go along with this, I think that distance that the EMS Chiefs can send patients need to be increased, especially for an event like I just described. 190 patients added to normal call volume will exhaust hospital availability. The EMS Chief was required, but became useless after hospitals in range filled up.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • That makes the issue even worse… if you haven’t realised majority of patients require ALS, and waiting one hour was already bad enough but 3? In large calls such as conflagration or CBRNE on tanker ship/ cruise ship it would be a nightmare

    I think you are misunderstanding me... I'm suggesting giving each patient their own timer instead of the current method where the timer is hospital associated. Taking the CBRN Explosion On a Ship mission that has 100 patients (and lets make them all ALS patients for ease):

    Either way you need 100 hospital beds, so you are filling up 3 hospitals, and utilizing part of a fourth, that will take 30 hours to release all patients the way hospitals are currently implemented. So if the patients arrive exactly at noon, it will be 6pm the next day before all patients are released.

    In my proposal, as I wrote - "have each patient on their own timer", this will drastically reduce time hospitals are at capacity. If the 100 ALS patients all arrive at noon to 4 different hospitals (again, lets make things easy), those hundred patients will be out at 3 pm that day and your hospital can continue to accept patients from other calls without being backed up overnight.

  • I believe it would be a much higher server load for a timer to be set on every single patient. The current system releases 1 patient per hour (regardless of arrival time), so the clock is on the hospital itself, not on each patient.

  • I believe it would be a much higher server load for a timer to be set on every single patient. The current system releases 1 patient per hour (regardless of arrival time), so the clock is on the hospital itself, not on each patient.

    Would it be too much to do a RNG between 30 minutes and an hour for all patients then? So 12 noon 10 patients come in from any calls, and the rng timer starts and releases

    Pt1@1238-Restart RNG

    Pt 2 released @1332

    Pt 3.@1405

    And so forth with all 10 pts being released by 10pm the latest

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