New Update - Patient Transfer

  • Hi all,

    Just wanted to give my opinions on the recent update.

    I feel the PTS element could be implemented differently, as the devs have previously stated they do not want to implement non-emergency services which PTS is. They do get used to respond to some emergencies as part of major incident and high demand contingency but this is rare.

    I feel that as players this vehicle is pretty useless, being only able to deal with patient transport missions.

    My suggestion would be that this is an Urgent Care style ambulance. Lots of UK trusts operate this including WAST, EMAS, NWAS and LAS as NETS. This would mean that these vehicles functioned similar to the BLS ambulance on the US version of the game, being able to deal with some low acuity problems or transport a patient if there is another resource of a higher skill. For example if an RRV attends and wants an ambulance to convey this vehicle can be used or this vehicle may attend a job and then request an emergency ambulance.

    With this they could still be utilised for transfers but also have some use in the wider game.

    The critical care ambulance I feel has been implemented based on other countries use of these services such as Australia. In the UK only paediatric and neonatal critical care transfers are carried out by specialist vehicles and teams. Adult critical care transfers are provided by normal emergency road crews.

    I am aware that there are some areas of the UK who have contracts with private providers for this service, and also some specialist ambulances for things like ECMO. But the vast majority of day to day transfers like this are carried about by regular emergency road ambulance.

    My suggestion is that critical care ambulances are removed, or at least that the calls can be completed by regular emergency ambulance.

    Calls include stroke transfers, cardiac transfers etc. these are all completed by emergency ambulance, even patients who are requiring Level 3 critical are still going by emergency ambulance and the hospital team will accompany if required.

    On occasion HEMS will also be utilised for these transfers, normally due to distance, so they should also be added to the units that can complete this mission.

    Finally, the patient transfer mission in my opinion should be solely between hospital facilities, and the HCP admission call should replace the patient transfer mission from the community.

  • VICFire

    Approved the thread.
  • I definitely want the regular ones to function similar to BLS in the US version, where an RRV or emergency ambulance can allow it to transport etc. This would also allow for simulation of ECA or Tech emergency ambulances who may require assistance from a paramedic-staffed resource too. Rather than removal of the Critical Care transfer ambs, I'd like to see them repurposed for Neonatal/Paediatrics, rather than removed.

  • I definitely want the regular ones to function similar to BLS in the US version, where an RRV or emergency ambulance can allow it to transport etc. This would also allow for simulation of ECA or Tech emergency ambulances who may require assistance from a paramedic-staffed resource too. Rather than removal of the Critical Care transfer ambs, I'd like to see them repurposed for Neonatal/Paediatrics, rather than removed.

    I think that’s an excellent idea.

  • PTS vehicles have been frequently requested by the community, now they have been added with an update to how PTs occupy beds.

    We have always said that we don't want to copy the US version and instead be our own.

    The PTS vehicles are not "pointless", they offer another aspect to the medical side and allow players to alter their setups for realism, similarly to the CFR/Co-Responder vehicles, these don't have a great deal they can do but do give that UK feel and add depth to setups.

    The critical care ambulance - I take on board your point, in the area I'm from the transfers are covered by Retrieve, NEST and others.

    I appreciate other parts of the UK do not have private providers fulfil this service.

    The PT transfer missions are there to give the PTS vehicles a use.

    HEMS are always in the discussion however the DEVs can only do so much.

    The HCP admission is to reflect admissions from GP surgery or community based setting - different to an admission from Urgent Treatment Centre which could be called by differing HCPs.

  • Adding HEMS is the great option for the CCTU as rural Hospitals in smaller towns do not have specialist facilities like Cardiac etc and Ambos sometimes need to travel 100 - 200kms to transport.

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