State Your Game Issues/Complaints

  • This has been reported and will be looked into.


    Coastal Station on Land away from Water?

    Jerseybirds....NOPE...the Coastal Station is on the Gulf of Mexico. That intersection is about 18-20 miles (or more) inland.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

    Edited once, last by ChiefBoden61 (January 23, 2023 at 11:29 AM).

  • we have had an issue with a player keep making new accounts and coming back causing problems, we know he has had 3 names, but suspect it is actually 5, the issues have been mainly that he is very disruptive, but has also said some in appropriate stuff to younger people in the game.. i would like to see some more tools for managing this, maybe an ip ban to ban that ip from your alliance and a report player button, where we can press this button and upload linked evidence to the devs, especially if this person is seen to be inappropriate or committing an criminal offence toward minors. it is ok just banning them, but it leaves them free to move to another alliance and carry on with that kind of behaviour! edit , this option would be for admin only, so that the devs wouldn't be inundated with reports!

  • we have had an issue with a player keep making new accounts and coming back causing problems, we know he has had 3 names, but suspect it is actually 5, the issues have been mainly that he is very disruptive, but has also said some in appropriate stuff to younger people in the game.. i would like to see some more tools for managing this, maybe an ip ban to ban that ip from your alliance and a report player button, where we can press this button and upload linked evidence to the devs, especially if this person is seen to be inappropriate or committing an criminal offence toward minors. it is ok just banning them, but it leaves them free to move to another alliance and carry on with that kind of behaviour! edit , this option would be for admin only, so that the devs wouldn't be inundated with reports!

    Agree. I left an alliance because of a problem with the alliance admin and then I made my own alliance. He tried to get in under at least 3 difference names and was disruptive and caused problems.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • would be nice if we could have a tick box to close built departments in hospitals. it would be even better if we could set departments on divert for a set time.

    i dont understand how this would be useful, even in the beginning of a game, especially when you get to the stage where you have over 100 hospitals.. i would want to send ambulances further than they needed to go.

  • i dont understand how this would be useful, even in the beginning of a game, especially when you get to the stage where you have over 100 hospitals.. i would want to send ambulances further than they needed to go.

    I think what he is sayin g is that in real life, hospitals go on bypass a lot due to the ER being full...

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • JerseyBirds

    Here is another one... mission is in bottom right corner... you can see the boat inland... LMAO

    As with aircraft, boats don't have a specific route to follow, so they go direct to scene.

    This also will happen to land vehicles when the routing service goes down.

    Not really much that can be done about it.

  • As with aircraft, boats don't have a specific route to follow, so they go direct to scene.

    This also will happen to land vehicles when the routing service goes down.

    Not really much that can be done about it.

    Thanks for that EMS Chief....but the point here was the the mission was a boat rescue mission generated by the coastal rescue station that is probably 10 miles inland and there is NO water

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • The mission is generated based on the POI so if you or someone else placed one of those POIs there then the mission generation system will pick that up.

    Aware of that... closest POI are gas station, gas station warehouse, Train Station and Airport Terminal and they are 5 or more miles further inland.. I just posted it because I find it funny to see a boat travelling across the land. Have even had same thing happen where the POI is a Forest. We were told earlier that the game does not know land from water (understandable) so nothing can be done. It is definitely an issue as It seems funny...but not a complaint

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Aware of that... closest POI are gas station, gas station warehouse, Train Station and Airport Terminal and they are 5 or more miles further inland.. I just posted it because I find it funny to see a boat travelling across the land. Have even had same thing happen where the POI is a Forest. We were told earlier that the game does not know land from water (understandable) so nothing can be done. It is definitely an issue as It seems funny...but not a complaint

    If you dont have your settings set to use only your own POIs then it'll also spawn based on whatever random POIs someone else put down.

  • I am currently having trouble dispatching units. when I go into my dispatch window it won't pull up my arrs and also won't let me select or dispatch units. this has been happening for the past couple of days on and off with different missions and now it's to the point that the game is almost unplayable for me.

  • I am currently having trouble dispatching units. when I go into my dispatch window it won't pull up my arrs and also won't let me select or dispatch units. this has been happening for the past couple of days on and off with different missions and now it's to the point that the game is almost unplayable for me.

    you may have set the maximum distance to a low value. You can find the setting on the left side of the dispatch window on desktop devices and at the very bottom of the window on mobile devices.

  • I just double checked that and it's set to the max distance. plus I can dispatch if I open the dispatch window in a different tab. that's actually what I've been doing for now is running two tabs on explorer.

    Try using a different browser to play the game. Explorer is not the friendliest. I started out using Edge and had issues....then tried explorer and same thing. switched to chrome and it works fine.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

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