How are mission credits determined?

  • I wanted to know if there were factors that impact a mission payout like, time to resolution, number of resources on-scene, etc. or if it’s just random within a given range?

    I have had some Major Wildfires that are over 10K and I recently had one that was just over 5K. So that got me curious if I need to do things differently to have better odds of a higher payout.

  • As tylernelson224 explained. There is a set amount of credits for a mission +/- some %.

    The payout can vary from call to call as some calls have different typ IDs.

    For example Waste bin fires have 4 different IDs: 30, 31, 32 and 33. Which is done as these calls where created for different POIs.

    But most of the time they have the same payout unless there is a fire investigator required which would add a XXX-1 to the end of the ID and increase the average payout.

    With your Major Wildfire I gotta say that I am not sure why you would only make 5k as that would be to much of a gab from 10k avg.

    Could it be that you just misread the size of the call?

    There is also a Medium and Large wildfire. Medium could look similar if you just had a quick glanz.

  • You're completely at the whim of the algorithm. I've ran the exact same job like 10 times ( just renamed it 1, 2,3 and so on each time) and each time the payout has differed. One was as low as 8 k and some as high a 24 k. It balances out. Just work through your list and take it as it comes.

  • Wildfires, Building Collapses and Train Station Collapses have very large ranges of possible payouts. Overall, it still averages out to pretty close to the prescribed payout.

    The way I look at it with Wildfires is that the difficulty/complexity of terrain varies a lot in real life so the wide range compensates for that.

  • Thanks everybody for the comments. I recognize it’s a range and there are averages, but my question was if some factors impact where in the range you land or if it’s totally random.

    If it’s just a bunch of us players on here, all we can do is guess and observe. I was hoping to understand how the game actually was programmed.

    Seems that nobody actually knows and the best we can tell is that it’s random in a range.

  • Thanks everybody for the comments. I recognize it’s a range and there are averages, but my question was if some factors impact where in the range you land or if it’s totally random.

    If it’s just a bunch of us players on here, all we can do is guess and observe. I was hoping to understand how the game actually was programmed.

    Seems that nobody actually knows and the best we can tell is that it’s random in a range.

    If you are asking if there are hard coded parameters that guarantee a higher payout, no. What we can all tell you though is that the algorithm has a range that it determines the payouts to be within and not every mission has the same variance.

  • Just to clarify, A fixed amount of credits is set to each and every mission, with a small percentage of variability at the time of completing the mission. other than that, the amount of credits should be predictable and shouldn't very much. With major calls like Train derailment, the difference of credits comes down to the variant of the mission. And a lot of the answers from the community members are accurate, glad to see everyone active and helping out.

  • Just to clarify, A fixed amount of credits is set to each and every mission, with a small percentage of variability at the time of completing the mission. other than that, the amount of credits should be predictable and shouldn't very much. With major calls like Train derailment, the difference of credits comes down to the variant of the mission. And a lot of the answers from the community members are accurate, glad to see everyone active and helping out.

    Hey is there a chance you could ask the devs to check if they accidently set the percentage of variation to high?

    Looking through the mission IDs doesn't show any mission that comes even close to the 5k that is reported here.

    The ID's are 371 and 371-1 (Fire Investigation Units)

    The normal one bringing 10000 and the -1 bringing 11000.

    So 5700 shown int the image by Bneilson seems way off.

  • For the record, I am fine with those points being that high.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • The payout listed for each mission is the average pay out not the actual pay out.

  • I wanted to know if there were factors that impact a mission payout like, time to resolution, number of resources on-scene, etc. or if it’s just random within a given range?

    I have had some Major Wildfires that are over 10K and I recently had one that was just over 5K. So that got me curious if I need to do things differently to have better odds of a higher payout.

    to answer your question - no there is nothing you can do to increase a mission payout - its random within a range

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