Mission Spawn and Coastal

  • I have two wonderful questions that I have put off asking as people really don’t like me but no one else knows the answer. I have no idea the right thread to put this in and covers multiple questions in one better then spamming though. Sorry it’s long but these are all legit questions and after these are answered no one will have to hear from me for another while. Thanks!

    1. When is the coastal update gonna have the update of no rank approximately? Will the prices be lowered?

    2. POIs are those helpful or no and does it have to be within a certain range of a station to spawn calls? I ask because I have a ton yet not even half including those in range of stations spawn calls and I have more then enough stations for certain calls with POIs according to the possible call list which I don’t even get half of those calls.

    3. Okay last question, some of my stations spawn large calls that shouldn’t be spawned because there’s only one station close by, I have three different dispatch centers and the main one is set as primary they are in three different states that would take three IRL days or more to drive to should that issue me happening? Example I got a call for an area that has a dispatch center with one fire station but the call requires usually three fire stations, another dispatch center has 25 fire stations 8 ambulance stations and 15 police stations, the third dispatch center has one fire station, one police station, and one ambulance station and I don’t have a premium account, are calls spawned by overall station count or by count of the dispatch center because of spawned by count of the dispatch center then some calls don’t make since, if spawned by overall count as a player is there anyway to make it spawn based on only the count of the dispatch centers? It’s kinda annoying and hard.:thumbup::?:

  • I'll answer question 3 for you - calls spawn based on the overall number of stations you have regardless of the dispatch centre they're attached to - except for stations assigned to a dispatch centre which has been edited to "create own coverage area". To edit a dispatch centre to do this, you should select your chosen dispatch centre, click "edit" as though you were going to change the name or icon of the building, and on the edit screen will be a box you can select to create your own coverage area. This way, the game will treat all stations under that centre as seperate from the rest of your buildngs when it looks at call requirements, so calls spawned by those stations should be easier to complete.

  • 2 - Certain missions require specific POIs to be spawned. The POIs do have to be within the spawn radius of a station.

    3 - Make sure you have "create own coverage area" enabled in your dispatch centre settings. This then makes it so that it only takes into account that dispatch centres stations.

  • 2 - Certain missions require specific POIs to be spawned. The POIs do have to be within the spawn radius of a station.

    3 - Make sure you have "create own coverage area" enabled in your dispatch centre settings. This then makes it so that it only takes into account that dispatch centres stations.

    Thanks Scotty, both were helpful so POIs are useless unless they are in radius, is there anyway I can change that? Some of them would be dumb for my to build a station were there isn’t even one IRL just to get calls, it would make more since to have the ability to connect POIs to dispatch or connect them to a station or stations I know that could cause issues but if people want to play the game to an all extreme for small players… like me… that’s really the only way around it and no better ways I get having a radius limit for non POI calls but for POI calls not really. Whitchit thanks for your answer as well that explanation made it easier to find.

  • I have two plane stations with all required equipment and 2 lifeguard stations with all required vehicles and between all 4 of them have 73 people trained to all the levels available and I still spawn no missions

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • I have two plane stations with all required equipment and 2 lifeguard stations with all required vehicles and between all 4 of them have 73 people trained to all the levels available and I still spawn no missions

    With you only having 2 coastal rescue stations you only have 2 possible missions to spawn: drowning suffer and shark attack both those missions require POI (Beach)

  • I have two plane stations with all required equipment and 2 lifeguard stations with all required vehicles and between all 4 of them have 73 people trained to all the levels available and I still spawn no missions

    The more lifeguard stations you have the greater the chance of getting those type of missions. Rember they have to compete with fire, police, and EMS which will have a higher chance of generating those type of missions due to the greater number of those type of buildings. Basically the game generates x number of missions based on the type of buildings you have the most of plus 1. Priority of the types of missions you get is base on the ratio each type has in relation to each other. At least that my understanding of it.

    Hopefully this makes sense to you.

  • I have two plane stations with all required equipment and 2 lifeguard stations with all required vehicles and between all 4 of them have 73 people trained to all the levels available and I still spawn no missions

    Don’t know why I am surprise to be saying this, thanks but that’s not what I meant for question two, while that’s kinda part of it, weren’t they gonna lower or get rid of the rank requirement for lifeguard? If so I hope the price is reasonable or at the very least have the coastal rescue station not require a rank but have the other ones do, if they are thinking of getting rid of the rank as it sounded like they were I was wondering if there was a timeline of when that would happen approximately. Thanks again for your answer.

  • Don’t know why I am surprise to be saying this, thanks but that’s not what I meant for question two, while that’s kinda part of it, weren’t they gonna lower or get rid of the rank requirement for lifeguard? If so I hope the price is reasonable or at the very least have the coastal rescue station not require a rank but have the other ones do, if they are thinking of getting rid of the rank as it sounded like they were I was wondering if there was a timeline of when that would happen approximately. Thanks again for your answer.

    There likely is no timeline available currently as the Devs very rarely give any indication of when they will update existing features or add new ones. There's no confirmation either that what you're asking for is definitely going to happen at all.

  • There likely is no timeline available currently as the Devs very rarely give any indication of when they will update existing features or add new ones. There's no confirmation either that what you're asking for is definitely going to happen at all.

    Those devs are smart, so it’s a good thing I haven’t been saving up credits. Would be nice to know so I could start saving up again but all that you mentioned does make since.

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