Logistical support and hazmat pumpers

  • Everyone needs to start discussing peacefully and not at each other's throats.

    This discussion looks like it's starting to get out of hand. If it continues to go down this path, I will start handing out warnings and lock this topic.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and freedom of speech. Let's respect that.

    Thank you


  • Older more seasoned players will also attest to this, there's been requests for as long as I've been a player for the SES content to be fixed. It literally has taken this long and I started playing in December 2019. If its meant to happen ( and its able to be done in a way that works for the whole country) it will happen. We just need to be patient.

  • So then is the AU server to fall behind and to become a carbon copy of what looks good on other servers.

    Repeatedly I am seemingly seeing a flat out denial of player made suggestions that have the evidence to back up that it is more nation wide then believed to be by some people.

  • What you need to understand is its impossible to put indeterminate vehicles into the game. We constantly have people suggesting vehicles that only apply to NSW and seeing this is an Australian based platform not purely a NSW based one, we wont see these types of vehicles. That's why there is no police rescue and the likes. Even with the latest content you will note we had to find a nondescript name because every state calls theirs something different, i had to interview people in different states to get an idea of how their organisations worked ( again because they're all different) and try to combine it into something somewhat realistic for all states. That's also why there wont be lifeguard component as such because some states dont have them at all and some programs are run by the local council and so on.

    So whilst i understand your quest for realism, expecting vehicles to be added purely for NSW's sake just isnt able to happen. We can't draw a big red line around the state and say these vehicles are only available here and nowhere else. So the suggestion above is a valid one to enable you to achieve what you want to, if you chose to.

    The problem with this is; and hear me out; having travelled through different states during my official capacity as a firefighter, I've seen logistical assets used in every state (including other assets being moved interstate for logistical supports (see what I did there?) There are plenty of images, and if you do decide to actually do some research based on these logistical support assets, you might find that you're in fact, incorrect.

    Please, do not take this as a snap, purely one Australian trying to further the knowledge of another.

    If you do have any issues/inquiries, you're welcome to shoot me a message for further consideration.


  • i had to interview people in different states to get an idea of how their organisations worked ( again because they're all different) and try to combine it into something somewhat realistic for all states. That's also why there wont be lifeguard component as such because some states dont have them at all and some programs are run by the local council and so on.

    I have found all of this with 5 minutes of Google
    Every State has a surf lifeguard association that is linked in with the national association Surf Life Saving

    Northern Territory
    Western Australia
    South Australia
    New South Wales



    New Zealand - similiar logo but obviously separate

  • Going over recent major fires with in NSW and surrounds lately and I have been seeing a lot of these fires having Logistical support vehicles being responded to them. Like any service in the world logistics make or break a service and emergency services are no different.
    I believe the topic of Hazmat pumpers has come up before but I am not 100% sure. I have asked around to firefighters from all states and territories within in Australia and I can safely confirm QLD, NSW, VIC, WA and SA carry Hazmat gear from a basic lvl to specific pumpers carrying more specialized gear. It simply adds something else to do within in the game and allows for players building in Rural areas where services won't commit dedicated hazmats to use hazmat pumpers. The next town over from me has a Hazmat Tanker which is responded to all hazmat jobs within a 2 hour radius.

    I can understand if hazmat pumpers are a no but I think the logistical support would be a fantastic addition to the game.

    I think that this area will be a natural addition to Australian MC in the future. Given we have just had a content pack released, it will be some months yet until another one is released, given what I've seen around Missionchief in rotating new releases around the different versions.

    Who knows exactly what will be released into Australia next [and what the devs are next looking to] - a lot of players have been asking for ARFF (airport fire and rescue for those not in the know) for some time now. Some players are also interested in introducing foam capabilities into the Australian scene, but modified from what is found in other versions.

    I have ideas to raise with adding in a logistical support-type vehicle for fire. Would blend in well with also adding in transporter-type vehicles that most fire services in Australia have (POD trucks / hook trucks). I don't know if this would be best as an expansion of fire stations or a new "fire support" building, would need a lot of input from other players - there's things for and against either option.

    Hazmat pumpers is another one that has been brought up before on the forums. Most fire service pumpers around Australia carry a limited amount of Hazmat equipment that allows firefighters to start Hazmat operations before a proper fully stocked and dedicated Hazmat appliance arrives. Most rural brigades in Victoria, if the truck carries breathing apparatus, also carry chemical splash suits to deal with certain Hazmat ops. I am also in favour (at some stage in the future) for Hazmat pumpers being introduced.

  • I have found all of this with 5 minutes of Google
    Every State has a surf lifeguard association that is linked in with the national association Surf Life Saving

    Northern Territory
    Western Australia
    South Australia
    New South Wales



    New Zealand - similiar logo but obviously separate

    Once again one has only done the very basic of searches but if one was to actually go into the pages given the full picture becomes clear . There is a grand total of 2 locations within South Australia, 2 in the NT and so on. Trust me we had this very in depth discussion with all this evidence with the developers when they wanted to plagiarise the US lifeguard content. We cannot draw boundaries around these areas, so the compromise was the MSAR instead.

    And on a side note frankly im getting a little sick of the nitpicking and half truths to suit a particular narrative. Its no wonder you guys burn through your Content Advisors, then when they quit you complain because you get no content. We spend a lot of time and effort to bring you good quality and accurate content with a quantity of missions that goes with it. We have taken on board your suggestions, we finally got the SES fixed somewhat, you got an specialist training academy instead of the courses being buried and taking up space in fire academies, an individual SES vehicle tab again unburying SES from within fire resources and we've given you a soft release to allow you to train and populate personnel in preparation for the release more complex and in depth missions ( all of which have been suggested in the past) but we never get any feedback on what we're doing right.

  • Once again one has only done the very basic of searches but if one was to actually go into the pages given the full picture becomes clear . There is a grand total of 2 locations within South Australia, 2 in the NT and so on. Trust me we had this very in depth discussion with all this evidence with the developers when they wanted to plagiarise the US lifeguard content. We cannot draw boundaries around these areas, so the compromise was the MSAR instead.

    And on a side note frankly im getting a little sick of the nitpicking and half truths to suit a particular narrative. Its no wonder you guys burn through your Content Advisors, then when they quit you complain because you get no content. We spend a lot of time and effort to bring you good quality and accurate content with a quantity of missions that goes with it. We have taken on board your suggestions, we finally got the SES fixed somewhat, you got an specialist training academy instead of the courses being buried and taking up space in fire academies, an individual SES vehicle tab again unburying SES from within fire resources and we've given you a soft release to allow you to train and populate personnel in preparation for the release more complex and in depth missions ( all of which have been suggested in the past) but we never get any feedback on what we're doing right.

    1st point - lifesaving.

    Sorry to correct you but briefly looking through the links I posted, there are over 314 affiliated (with Surf Life Saving) surf life saving clubs around Australia. This figure also does not include all of the other lifesaving clubs that are not affiliated with Surf Life Saving Australia. There are 3 SLS clubs in the NT (not that you want to swim with the crocs up there), 22 in South Australia , 31 in WA, 57 in Victoria, 129 in NSW, 21 in Tas, and 59 in QLD.
    (also compares with the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard - AVCG, there are lots of flotillas across Australia, but also many more coastguard and marine rescue flotillas across Australia that are not affiliated with AVCG)

    My "very basic of searches" has produced fairly in-depth results. This is suggesting that the information that was being discussed with the developers was not clear-cut or complete.

    2nd point - half truths:
    Given the developer's workloads and competing priorities, I'm really glad that they gave us this update for SES, they didn't have to at all, but it has been a long time coming. I know from my own knowledge that Corbz and I have been giving advice to the other content advisors regarding what it should look like, and there would be countless other players that would have also given their input. The narrative is that there are a lot of players on here who freely give their suggestions about future content for Missionchief, who then don't suggest further content as they are driven away with responses like the one that I have received back from you.

    Like anything in life, the feedback that we often receive never includes the good feedback, it is often left unsaid

  • Once again one has only done the very basic of searches but if one was to actually go into the pages given the full picture becomes clear . There is a grand total of 2 locations within South Australia, 2 in the NT and so on. Trust me we had this very in depth discussion with all this evidence with the developers when they wanted to plagiarise the US lifeguard content. We cannot draw boundaries around these areas, so the compromise was the MSAR instead.

    And on a side note frankly im getting a little sick of the nitpicking and half truths to suit a particular narrative. Its no wonder you guys burn through your Content Advisors, then when they quit you complain because you get no content. We spend a lot of time and effort to bring you good quality and accurate content with a quantity of missions that goes with it. We have taken on board your suggestions, we finally got the SES fixed somewhat, you got an specialist training academy instead of the courses being buried and taking up space in fire academies, an individual SES vehicle tab again unburying SES from within fire resources and we've given you a soft release to allow you to train and populate personnel in preparation for the release more complex and in depth missions ( all of which have been suggested in the past) but we never get any feedback on what we're doing right.

      • I myself have training and qualifications from Royal Life Saving Australia which is a nationally accredited service in Australia and I have competed at fire coemptions with from SA who have done Life Saving. The image You provided for SA only mentioned Contracted posts within those areas.

        https://www.surflifesavingsa.com.au/sa-clubs Link to Surf life saving Clubs and Locations for SA on the Actual Surf Life Saving Site which I found after searching one thing so don't sit there Katnip and say his Searching was basic when I found something that is so easily obtained by simply searching for Surf Life Saving SA.

  • To add on to this, Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR) in Tasmania is operated by qualified SLST (Surf Life Saving Tasmania) members. I can guarantee this as I was a member of VMR Ulverstone.

  • And on a side note frankly im getting a little sick of the nitpicking and half truths to suit a particular narrative. Its no wonder you guys burn through your Content Advisors, then when they quit you complain because you get no content.

    If these CA we burm through so fast actually listened to the members that play the game they are supposed to be helping improve, who in a lot of circumstances are serving or have served instead of telling us the units we have used in service dont exist, stuff might get done.

    Yet another reason I no longer bother posting here

  • If these CA we burm through so fast actually listened to the members that play the game they are supposed to be helping improve, who in a lot of circumstances are serving or have served instead of telling us the units we have used in service dont exist, stuff might get done.

    Yet another reason I no longer bother posting here

    I think we have a very bright horizon approaching hopefully

  • If these CA we burm through so fast actually listened to the members that play the game they are supposed to be helping improve, who in a lot of circumstances are serving or have served instead of telling us the units we have used in service dont exist, stuff might get done.

    Yet another reason I no longer bother posting here

    I assure you that I listen to every suggestion, so I strongly encourage that if you have something that will improve the game, please post it.

  • I assure you that I listen to every suggestion, so I strongly encourage that if you have something that will improve the game, please post it.

    I can back this up. Everything I’ve spoken to with EMS-Chief gets looked at and fixed

    Edited once, last by Corbz3 (December 21, 2022 at 6:11 AM).

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