Police Department Additions?

  • What is the purpose of all those additions? Confusing. We already have a federal police station, so what is the purpose of a Federal Police Extension? We have sheriff/police supervisors, what is the purpose of a police manager? We already have K9s as well as Swat (which basically is not much different than Riot Police).

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

    Edited 3 times, last by ChiefBoden61 (May 15, 2023 at 4:59 PM).

  • What happened to the Game Warden Extension?

    I still have the game warden extensions.

    What is the purpose of all those additions? Confusing. We already have a federal police station, so what is the purpose of a Federal Police Extension? We have sheriff/police supervisors, what is the purpose of a police manager? We already have K9s as well as Swat (which basically is not much different than Riot Police).

    I understand the point of riot police, but whats the point of the tactical rescue truck? Is it like the tac medic?

    Co-Owner of Ohio Emergency Services. NobleCountyDispatch

  • the purpose of those extension is so that it make the game more European as the developers are from Germany and that is why you get tall the extensions as that is how it is set in Germany and the developers won't do any research into the us system at all.

  • the purpose of those extension is so that it make the game more European as the developers are from Germany and that is why you get tall the extensions as that is how it is set in Germany and the developers won't do any research into the us system at all.

    in the US, we have riot police in large cities, but the guard dog trucks are still new to me. The rest of the vehicles are really neat, I just don't get the point of em.

    Co-Owner of Ohio Emergency Services. NobleCountyDispatch

  • What's with the new trainings?

    Riot Police - Riot team units, for Protesting calls

    Tactical Medic - Tactical Rescue, SWAT support? whats it for?

    Police Commander - Police MCV

    Sharpshooter Course - What is this?

    If someone could send a screenshot of the training screen, that would be great! I don't have a police academy, only my allies do.

    Co-Owner of Ohio Emergency Services. NobleCountyDispatch

  • think of the police commander as a police CPT. or deputy chief - there to supervise the supervisors - usually Sgt or LT, i do agree the fed extension is useless , and even more so requiring it to have a bomb squad - as many pd have their own bomb squad with no fed presence in their sytem, i also agree on the k-9 carriers - iv never seen or heard of one at all in any pd system - only single dog and handler in 1 unit, the tac rescue unit sounds similar to NYC ESU from what i understand about them - they are SWAT and rescue trained

  • My SWAT team vehicles are called Tactical Rescue, cause that is one of SWAT's "primary" job which is rescue, Bearcats can be used for water rescue n stuff, but I still don't get the point of the new unit.

    Maybe a SWAT skid steer?

    Co-Owner of Ohio Emergency Services. NobleCountyDispatch

  • (...)

    Sharpshooter Course - What is this?

    If someone could send a screenshot of the training screen, that would be great! I don't have a police academy, only my allies do.

    Apparently the Sharpshooter Course unlocks new variations for missions. Taking the call "High-Risk Warrant" as an example, the normal one asks for 1 Patrol Car and 18 SWAT Personnel. If you have atleast 4 personnel with Sharpshooter available, there is the chance to instead get the call variation that requires an additional 2 Sharpshooters on scene. Of course, payment for the variation call is a few hundreds higher.

    What has me a bit confused is that they added Sharpshooters to a single Ocean Rescue Mission: "Hostage Rescue Aboard Cargo Ship" (requires 8 available Sharpshooter personnel). While this does make sense, I don't see a way to actually getting the Sharpshooters on scene currently.

    The police school can not train personnel of Coastal Rescue Stations. The police Patrol Boats can't be send to Ocean Rescue Missions. And the Coastal Rescue School does not have the Sharpshooter Course. Or am I missing something?

  • think of the police commander as a police CPT. or deputy chief - there to supervise the supervisors - usually Sgt or LT, i do agree the fed extension is useless , and even more so requiring it to have a bomb squad - as many pd have their own bomb squad with no fed presence in their sytem, i also agree on the k-9 carriers - iv never seen or heard of one at all in any pd system - only single dog and handler in 1 unit, the tac rescue unit sounds similar to NYC ESU from what i understand about them - they are SWAT and rescue trained

    I agree with all of what you said except the commander part. The whole thing about the supervisor was to auto authorize transport. They activated them when it was put out and that made the transition easy. Now they are adding another level of supervisor, that "requires us to spend more credits to activate, spend credits to train, and spend more credits to purchases vehicles for which on the largest part don't excuse.. Police crew carrier added and we already have a swat SUV that transports personnel. While a prisoner transport van may be useful, it now requires another purchase. The extensions should be optional and if you chose not to add them or the vehicles, the missions should not generate. I have already had mission generate requiring a bomb technician and I have not activated any extensions.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

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