Possible Glitch: Airport missions not spawning

  • I have 3 airport extensions, all filled, I have the proper POIs (and multiple of them in different areas around the state), and I have not gotten an airport mission in months. I dont know if the spawn rate for those missions is just insanely low but I used to get Large Cargo Plane Fires with Oil Leaks multiple times a day. The missions are all green in the possible missions list but they still dont generate.

    Is this a glitch or am i just an idiot and dont know what im doing

    Side note and edit: is there a way to see the percentage chance a mission will spawn? In comparison to my 3 airport extensions and POIs where I am not getting a single airport mission, I have 1 DEA extension and somehow I get multiple (sometimes 10 or more) large cannabis grow operation missions that spawn sometimes 20-50 miles away from all of my stations. You would think that with 1 extension you would get a lower chance of a large mission like that spawning but with more extensions and POIs to match you would get more airport missions, even if they are small missions like braking overheats and stuff.

  • Do you happen to have the Forestry or Foam Expansions to your Airport Station? And if so, Are they also turned on?

    In some cases, This will randomly tamper with the Expansions and no Specialty Missions will spawn.

    If not, Then this is a totally different issue that needs resolving.



  • Do you happen to have the Forestry or Foam Expansions to your Airport Station? And if so, Are they also turned on?

    In some cases, This will randomly tamper with the Expansions and no Specialty Missions will spawn.

    If not, Then this is a totally different issue that needs resolving.



    I do not have the forestry expansions in all airports but I do have the foam expansions and they are activated JerseyBirds

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Okay,

    Also another thing to take into perspective. Look at the amount of Stations you have total. Fire, Police, EMS and Specialty. Each Specialty Expansion/Stations holds a Small Percentage of chance that a Specialty Mission will pop up.

    Say if you have 100 of each Station but only 10 Airport Expansions. Yes 10 is quite a bit of Expansions to have but in a Larger Set-up that's really not a lot.

    In order to even remotely see enough Airport Missions for you to utilize your Crash Tenders you would need like half the amount of Airport Expansions compared to your Fire Stations.

    I would say for every 10 Fire Stations, 5 of them would need an Airport Expansion. And to notice them even more, Getting the Airport Specialty will make that Station spawn only Airport Missions itself.

    So if you had 10 Fire Stations with 5 Airport Expansions AND the Airport Specialty Expansion, Then you will notice Half of your Missions will be Airport Missions.

    In other words, The More The Merrier!

    It's taken me years to get things pat down for my expansions. It takes a lot of work. So if you want Airport Missions more often, Go for the gusto! ;)

    Hope this helps!


  • JerseyBirds Thank you for the explanation. i guess it is a mute point now since that "evet/task" is done until the next time, My other point was that in playing all day yesterday and earning about 1.5 million from missions with over 1500 missions generated between midnight and 9pm I had one (1) airport mission generate. Since midnight as of 530 am I have had three. The day before the "event/tasks" for airport missions I had 5 or 6 during the day. Same with the federal police missions. Did not generate enough to complete the tasks but the days before and after I was flooded with those missions.

    Also, this should be in another thread probably and if you like I will cut and paste it, but I noticed there are multiple missions that "require" federal police that are not of the list of Federal Police Missions. I would think that the content advisers would consider looking at that list and adding missions that "require" Federal Police. Thinks such as explosions and or discovery of bombs and so on. I have tons of plane crashes in the wildland or on a roadway or emergency landings.... In most cases in real life wouldn't this happen near and airport and closest ARFF would respond from the airport(also making it an airport mission? The unit requirement for some of those incidents is wildland heavy in most cases. Just some positive suggestions here. Thanks so much for your detailed response. Wouldn't any airplane crash "require" a Federal Police Response as well?

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Do you happen to have the Forestry or Foam Expansions to your Airport Station? And if so, Are they also turned on?

    In some cases, This will randomly tamper with the Expansions and no Specialty Missions will spawn.

    If not, Then this is a totally different issue that needs resolving.



    I will run through all 3 of the stations I have that have the airport extension:

    1. Airport extension, foam extension, fire investigation extension

    2. Airport extension, wildland extension, fire investigation extension

    3. Airport extension, foam extension

    All of them are turned on. Why would it tamper? Other than spawning other missions instead, shouldnt it be split based on how many extensions i have active?

    Also to give you more insight, i have 26 fire stations, 17 ambulance stations (4 of my fire stations count as ambulance), 3 water rescue extensions, 10 police stations, 5 hospitals, 1 MEDEVAC station, 3 police helis, 1 game warden extension, 1 water police extension, 2 federal police stations with 1 of my stations having an extension (so 3), 2 bomb squads extensions, 1 DEA, 1 ATF, 5 forestry extensions, 4 foam extensions, 11 fire marshals offices, 3 airport extensions, 1 wildland MCC, 2 fire boat docks, 1 rescue boat docks, 3 flood control extensions, and 3 disaster management extensions.

    You would think that with all of this I would get more of the airport/wildland/foam missions and less large cannabis grow operations (i got at least 5-10 per day for like a week straight once)

    The interesting thing is, I had 20 stations for the longest time because I was busy building extensions rather than building new stations, and I would get consistent airport missions with only 1 airport expansion, then one of the updates came out (this was over a year and a half ago) and then i stopped getting those missions. Within the past year i bought the other 2 airport extensions and 4 crash tenders, all 4 of them have 0 miles on them and have never gone out because I havent gotten a mission since i bought them nearly a year ago.

    Edited once, last by Epsilon (February 13, 2024 at 3:37 PM).

  • Why is Aircraft Emergency Landing on Road way not an airport mission but an Aircraft Crash in Urban Area is?

    I think because it is talking about some sort of small plane like a cessna or whatever that had to land on a highway like they do sometimes. Emergency landing is also very different from a crash. Plus, an aircraft crashing in an urban area would probably elicit a response from nearby airport fire stations as most of the time urban areas also have an airport either in them or very close by.

  • I think because it is talking about some sort of small plane like a cessna or whatever that had to land on a highway like they do sometimes. Emergency landing is also very different from a crash. Plus, an aircraft crashing in an urban area would probably elicit a response from nearby airport fire stations as most of the time urban areas also have an airport either in them or very close by.

    I dont agree with you on that. An airplane not landing at an airport should be an airport thing.

  • I dont agree with you on that. An airplane not landing at an airport should be an airport thing.

    Yeah, but what if the Cessna for example landed on a state highway miles away from the closest airport. The local emergency authorities would respond, not a crash tender taking potentially hours to get there. I agree with Epsilon, these two missions are fine how they are.

  • Yeah, but what if the Cessna for example landed on a state highway miles away from the closest airport. The local emergency authorities would respond, not a crash tender taking potentially hours to get there. I agree with Epsilon, these two missions are fine how they are.

    I know here in my state the arff trucks have a zone that they can't go outside of eg 2 hours away unless by police escort and only if a Jet engine crashes

  • on a side note for comparison purposes relating to the spawning of missions... I went back and counted and I have 14 airport stations throughout the state with all the extensions and specializations and ARFF training etc., By comparison I have two (2) of the coastal lifeguard/rescue stations and two (2) of the Coastal Air Stations staffed and trained. Yesterday I had 8 coastal missions generate as compared to only 5 airport missions the entire day. I understand what the moderators say regarding what determines the amount of missions (more is better) but it does not seem to be working that way for the airport ones. And again, yesterday one of those 5 missions for airports that spawned did not give me the credit for completion towards the task.

    Enough said about this as i am sure it is being looked into. Thanks for all the feedback.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

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