My game keeps glitching, i send a unit and it seems to take 48 hours to go from Nottingham to London in the UK
Try the UK section. This is the US section.
My game keeps glitching, i send a unit and it seems to take 48 hours to go from Nottingham to London in the UK
Try the UK section. This is the US section.
Did you recently add a mass-casualty expansion? You may have to add the mass casualty trailer first before it will let you add,
If you could post a picture of the station, showing the expansion level and vehicles, as well as a picture of each vehicle screen, we could better diagnose.
I'm trying to get a Mass Casualty unit at one of my fire stations and the other alliance i am in is RP, do I need to build an EMS station next door then max out the bays in both buildings to make a complex to get the realism?
I'm trying to get a Mass Casualty unit at one of my fire stations and the other alliance i am in is RP, do I need to build an EMS station next door then max out the bays in both buildings to make a complex to get the realism?
Right now in order to get the Building Complex of all 3 Services you need to have either 3 Large Stations Maxed Out or 3 Small Stations Maxed Out. Unfortunately Players cannot mix them.
Right now in order to get the Building Complex of all 3 Services you need to have either 3 Large Stations Maxed Out or 3 Small Stations Maxed Out. Unfortunately Players cannot mix them.
it worked I ended up deleting that FD station and built a small one then an EMS station small and maxed them out and built the complex got my Mass Casuality unit it was expensive to do that I should had just built the EMS station next to the FD station then relocate the ambo to another station and buy the MassC unit
What does "First responders can take full care of patients" mean?
I see it under 'Requirements for this Mission' in some EMS missions. For example, Nosebleed or Fallen Person.
This is a screenshot of it:
What does "First responders can take full care of patients" mean?
I see it under 'Requirements for this Mission' in some EMS missions. For example, Nosebleed or Fallen Person.
This is a screenshot of it:
Essentially First Response Units (Fly-Car, EMS Rescue etc) can treat and release the patient without the need of an ambulance to attend.
Essentially First Response Units (Fly-Car, EMS Rescue etc) can treat and release the patient without the need of an ambulance to attend.
So sending Platform Truck to a Nosebleed can't treat the patient? Only certain EMS vehicles would be able to treat a patient with a Nosebleed without needing an Ambulance. Fire vehicles (at least where I'm from), can have BLS capabilities.
If it requires transport this is all Ignored + 50% chance doesnt mean all the time so basically
If a call had a 10% transport rate with 100% first responder it will be able to clear it unless transport is required.
If it requires transport this is all Ignored + 50% chance doesnt mean all the time so basically
If a call had a 10% transport rate with 100% first responder it will be able to clear it unless transport is required.
The patients for Wilderness First Aid have a 10% chance of needing transport and a 100% of first responders being able to take full care of the patient.
I confirmed that the patient on the mission I received didn't need transport. The Rescue Engine that I sent still couldn't take full care of the patient.
I believe it must be a ems vehical but EMS-Chief is more equipped to advise on this
I do not see a Problem with that. Fire Departments Are paged for Structure Fires Every Day and and get to the scene and its nothing.
The patients for Wilderness First Aid have a 10% chance of needing transport and a 100% of first responders being able to take full care of the patient.
I confirmed that the patient on the mission I received didn't need transport. The Rescue Engine that I sent still couldn't take full care of the patient.
Rescue Engine can only treat patient 10% same as the warden truck which is required. You need to send an Ambulance to fully treat the patient same as any other medical call.
I do not see a Problem with that. Fire Departments Are paged for Structure Fires Every Day and and get to the scene and its nothing.
in terms of the game it should only be a false alarm if in brackets it says fire alarm system, in real life its different but thats how it works in the game
Rescue Engine can only treat patient 10% same as the warden truck which is required. You need to send an Ambulance to fully treat the patient same as any other medical call.
can you send a "fly car"
can you send a "fly car"
If the patient doesn't need a trip to the hospital. I always send an ambo or helo, whichever is closest, to the scene.
in terms of the game it should only be a false alarm if in brackets it says fire alarm system, in real life its different but thats how it works in the game
False Alarms can occur by direct 911 phone calls, it doesn't always has to be a direct connect or open access alarm.
If your using LSS-Manager, you can configure your vehicles/tabs accordingly.
I would wager a guess that Rescue Engines are appearing that category for the "Heavy Rescue Vehicle" component that the vehicle also fills.
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