State Your Game Issues/Complaints

  • Looks like the mission is missing the requirement to be spawned at a station with a forestry expansion. The requirement for forestry expansions is there but not that it spawns from a station that has a forestry expansion.

    EMS-Chief - could you submit a request to the devs to have this mission updated?

    I will submit a change request.

    I checked the original request and it did include to be generated at Fire Station (Forestry Expansion).

  • Definitely agree with the amount of sinkholes being too many. Nevertheless, I'm new to the game and love what the devs are doing overall!

  • I will submit a change request.

    I checked the original request and it did include to be generated at Fire Station (Forestry Expansion).

    Looks like the mission is missing the requirement to be spawned at a station with a forestry expansion. The requirement for forestry expansions is there but not that it spawns from a station that has a forestry expansion.

    EMS-Chief - could you submit a request to the devs to have this mission updated?

    This should have been resolved.

  • Can someone please help me with figuring out why these patient handoff missions won't work? I have tried ambos, HEMS, Coastal Heli, and nothing works. They are piling up and I am forced to just let them time out. I thought this was fixed already, but I guess not. It is only the patient handoff, not prisoner.....

  • Can someone please help me with figuring out why these patient handoff missions won't work? I have tried ambos, HEMS, Coastal Heli, and nothing works. They are piling up and I am forced to just let them time out. I thought this was fixed already, but I guess not. It is only the patient handoff, not prisoner.....

    If you are using LSSM, Turn off the "Vehicles" option in the "Redesign Settings" the error/glitch will go away and your transporting will go back to normal. I had these issues earlier myself. If it persists please contact either myself or one of the other team members.

    Thank you

  • I just had an issue with patient handoff went to dispatch my small boat to another call yet it said it was not available, went and checked on it in station and it said it was at a patient handoff. Yet I didn't have a patient handoff call on my list or on the map.

    Having the same issue with the handoff mission not showing up, yet the vehicle being blocked with it. Only solution I found so far is to go to the station, click the blocked vehicle and cancel it's assignement manually. but that looses the patients/prisoners, so might aswell release them on the primary mission site they were generated at...

  • Can someone please help me with figuring out why these patient handoff missions won't work? I have tried ambos, HEMS, Coastal Heli, and nothing works. They are piling up and I am forced to just let them time out. I thought this was fixed already, but I guess not. It is only the patient handoff, not prisoner.....

    If you are using LSSM, Turn off the "Vehicles" option in the "Redesign Settings" the error/glitch will go away and your transporting will go back to normal. I had these issues earlier myself. If it persists please contact either myself or one of the other team members.

    Thank you

    As a quick note:

    We are aware of the issue and are working hard on fixing it, however i expect the bugfix not to be ready before Tuesday, due to limited time and the bug being a little more complex to fix.

  • A "smoke investigation" requires 1 battalion, 1 Engine, and 1 Ladder. Yet an "unknown structure fire" requires only 1 engine. Absolutely makes no sense. Similar to the requirements of multiple units on a power line struck by lightning. A broken water main requires 1 Battalion, 3 Engines, 1 Heavy Rescue + Police. Not sure I understand the thought behind these response compliments.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

    Edited once, last by ChiefBoden61 (September 24, 2022 at 12:47 PM).

  • EMS units are still being "stood down" on calls where needed in the US Version!

    This issue should have been fixed as I have reported this myself this week, If this issue still occurs please take screenshots if possible and contact the Devs directly through the App Support Channel.

    Thank You

  • A "smoke investigation" requires 1 battalion, 1 Engine, and 1 Ladder. Yet an "unknown structure fire" requires only 1 engine. Absolutely makes no sense. Similar to the requirements of multiple units on a power line struck by lightning. A broken water main requires 1 Battalion, 3 Engines, 1 Heavy Rescue + Police. Not sure I understand the thought behind these response compliments.

    The Unknown Structure Fire will upgrade into a relevant call which will then have it's own requirements to be applied.

    Regardless if you understand the thought behind the requirements or not, those are the requirements, either fulfill this mission or let them expire/leave for your alliance to take care of. These are not glaring errors that you are pointing out, but just complaining because you do not like the response requirements. The game is not geared for your specific area, some requirements may seem to high while others may seem to low to you.

    There are much bigger issues to deal with then your beliefs that the requirements "don't make sense".

  • A Unknown struature fire could be anything form a room on fire to a whole building hence why it upgrades also 1 Engine is fair imo if its a big issue the misison will upgrade and further units will be required and a unkown structure fire may not be even real however smoke investigation could be anything and hue fire could be small 9r huge hence the 3 units and it gets worse the mission always expands anyway, the burst water main is dangerous and often fire departments send multiple engines in case a accident happens a command Chief and a rescue who have equipment to fix the water main/deal with the potential accident aswell as police to stop traffic before FD arrives. The power line requires 2 engine and a ladder the engines have equipment and the man power to deal with it and the ladder helps reach it, I don't get why your always complaining the missions are fine

  • This issue should have been fixed as I have reported this myself this week, If this issue still occurs please take screenshots if possible and contact the Devs directly through the App Support Channel.

    Thank You

    I am not sure what you want me to screen shot? The releasing or standing down units is random. I send EMS units and then when I go back to check the mission they have been released. There is not consistency to when it happens or what type of incident ithappens on.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • The releasing units thing is all over the board. I had a call that required 24 swat. I sent 24 swat only to find out that 12 of them had been released so the mission would not complete until I sent them back. I sent law enforcement to an off road accident and they were released and then later instead of patients like the description says, it required prisoner transport and I had to send cops back...

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • The releasing units thing is all over the board. I had a call that required 24 swat. I sent 24 swat only to find out that 12 of them had been released so the mission would not complete until I sent them back. I sent law enforcement to an off road accident and they were released and then later instead of patients like the description says, it required prisoner transport and I had to send cops back...

    Auto stand down only works on EMS units so any issues with PD units would be unrelated.

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