Vehicle Transfer

  • I've noticed anytime I've attempted to SWAP a vehicle that it states there is no room for a vehicle I've attempted at every type of station and various vehicles (this is not an extension issue).

    I've also noticed while attempting to transfer a Mass Casualty Vehicle (not a trailer) between stations (there are 3 open vehicle slots at the destination) it states there is no room.

  • are you attempting to transfer the mass casuality unit between a rescue station and a fire station with the ambulance extension - because you cant- it can only happen between the same station type, also if you are trying to transfer a unit that requires a specific expansion and the receiving station does not have that expansion- you cant transfer either

  • If you go into the edit vehicle screen it is in the station and is available you should see a move button next to the station information. I attached a screenshot.

    ok..thank you... I saw that but I thought that it meant to move the entire station....not just the unit.. Thanks for clearing that up.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • are you attempting to transfer the mass casuality unit between a rescue station and a fire station with the ambulance extension - because you cant- it can only happen between the same station type, also if you are trying to transfer a unit that requires a specific expansion and the receiving station does not have that expansion- you cant transfer either

    Neither of those things applies in this case.

    ok..thank you... I saw that but I thought that it meant to move the entire station....not just the unit.. Thanks for clearing that up.

    The station move button is on the station screen and it says Move Building.

  • Again it was an MCI until from an EMS Station to an EMS station, no extensions were required. I also have not been able to use the SWAP function on any type of unit it just states that the station is full (which is why I'm swapping two vehicles vs moving one).

    I sold the MCI unit and bought another, it got it done, the SWAP issue I've not tested in a couple of weeks but haven't had the reason to.

  • Again it was an MCI until from an EMS Station to an EMS station, no extensions were required. I also have not been able to use the SWAP function on any type of unit it just states that the station is full (which is why I'm swapping two vehicles vs moving one).

    I sold the MCI unit and bought another, it got it done, the SWAP issue I've not tested in a couple of weeks but haven't had the reason to.

    I do believe there is a known issue with the MCU in which transferring does not work. If I recall correctly, if you've reached the limit for MCUs and try to transfer it, it gives an exceeded maximum allowable units type of error message.

    The logic see's it as adding first then removing thus triggering the error. This is an issue the devs are aware of but have not yet been able to resolve.

  • I do believe there is a known issue with the MCU in which transferring does not work. If I recall correctly, if you've reached the limit for MCUs and try to transfer it, it gives an exceeded maximum allowable units type of error message.

    The logic see's it as adding first then removing thus triggering the error. This is an issue the devs are aware of but have not yet been able to resolve.

    Plus unable to buy a mass cass at fire EMS extensions like the button just doesn't show up even if you have over 20 EMS extensions/stations

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