Traffic & Brush Units

  • Any idea if adding a "Traffic Unit" will be added to the US version? Most departments have some type of traffic control unit and I would like to try to keep my stations as realistic as possible.

    Also wondering about a brush truck. Around here, they're usually some variation of a duty truck.

  • But, correct me if I'm wrong, you need the forestry expansion for that? I know many departments that are forestry departments that still have the brush truck.

    but it is just part of the game. real life you do not have to be affiliated with "forestry" to have a brush truck. But in the game to purchase forestry equipment you just have to have the extension. And I suspect that if you do not have a "forestry" extension, no wildland or brush incidents will spawn.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • but it is just part of the game. real life you do not have to be affiliated with "forestry" to have a brush truck. But in the game to purchase forestry equipment you just have to have the extension. And I suspect that if you do not have a "forestry" extension, no wildland or brush incidents will spawn.

    I'll concede on the brush unit, as you do have a very valid point.

    I'm still interested in the traffic unit though.

  • Some departments have a traffic unit with additonal cones, signs (road clousure diverstion arrow signs etc) alsi they may have additonal lighting, I would like to see it as a optional unit and has the code on missions where it only spawns when vehicle(s) are avaible heres how it reads on UK game.

    Traffic Cars only required, when availableYes

    and if all of your are tied up or if you dont have any it wont spawn new missions with the unit :)

    Some examples of this is NYPD's traffic units that have those large highrisers

  • They are also referred to Fire Police in some areas I believe.

    WE have fire police but they respond in small vehicles and are trained in traffic control and movement and blocking off areas when a police offensive is taking place... They are not traffic safety or blocking units used to protect responding fire apparatus on highway incidents

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Would you guys prefer to see a Designated Traffic Unit? Or a Training Course for Personnel Missions where you can assign them to any Unit?

    In New Jersey I've seen Fire Police/Traffic Control ride in Engines/Trucks to Chiefs, Rescues and Utilities. Especially with Volunteer Fire Departments. Paid I'm not so sure how they do it but also with Police we could have them in Regular Patrol Units, K9's, Etc.

    So that way Players can decide how they want to work their Traffic Control!

    And I would say if Training was the way to go I could try for a 2 Day Course. From when I went and did Fire Police School it took only Two Days for Me as one day is an Introduction and Lesson then the Next is Written and Simulation.

    Thoughts? :/:/:/

  • Ideally both, I think.

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