More station levels

  • This has been brought up to the Dev about 1-2 weeks ago, he said he didn’t really like the idea but we have insisted on it as this is something that I have heard multiple players mention in the past.

  • I have had to build 4 police stations costing 400k credits and on top of that a further 4.4 MILLION (not precisely just average) to get them fully expanded, this is because I have a depot/base that is for specialist vehicles. Since we can only have 14 bays I have had to buy 4 stations to cover the police depot/base.

    Having more bays in all stations (fire, police, Ambo) would be amazing. Not to sound rude but I don’t understand why it not a thing that’s happened already and it seems it’s highly requested regardless...

  • I don't want to be rude or something but, where do you guys live? Do you live in Syria or something? Do all stations around your area have 15 cars each? or more? :|

  • I don't want to be rude or something but, where do you guys live? Do you live in Syria or something? Do all stations around your area have 15 cars each? or more? :|

    In the UK ambulance stations in London can have over 50 ambulances at them, police stations can have over 30 vehicles if it’s the HQ

    In the US police stations can often have more than 15 vehicles at them and companies such as AMR can have a lot of ambulances at their bases.

  • I don't want to be rude or something but, where do you guys live? Do you live in Syria or something? Do all stations around your area have 15 cars each? or more? :|

    What has wanting more vehicles at stations got to do with Syria? If a few stations have more than 15 vehicles at it then we should be allowed to buy that many vehicles. I can’t see how this would hurt the game and it has the potential to generate more coins for Sebastian

  • What has wanting more vehicles at stations got to do with Syria? If a few stations have more than 15 vehicles at it then we should be allowed to buy that many vehicles. I can’t see how this would hurt the game and it has the potential to generate more coins for Sebastian

    My view exactly... Syria has nothing to do with this...

    At the end of the day it will make people either pay coins or play the game even more to earn more to expand. I’m currently here having to pay nearly 4.4 million credits for seperate stations (fully upgraded) yet it should be under one or two within the complex. Having to pay 4.4 million to get it all upgraded is delaying my expansion on other services IE Fire and Ambo.

    Hopefully Sebastian will see the need/demand for this...

  • I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm sorry
    What I meant by "living in Syria" is that they have loads of military Vehicles that act as "Police" there at the moment

    I'm just trying to understand how wide are the numbers of vehicles you have per station at the US, at Portugal we don't have that much units
    The station that I walk by every day of the week has 1 patrol car, sometimes gets 2 (parked or on patrol), in rare cases there will be a patrol SUV and 2 other patrol cars (mostly Skoda) near lunch or switching shifts, etc

    Although there are some police stations around that have a parking bay for them, I'm guessing those have a few more cars parked there, but nothing like 15 cars per station, and just to be clarifed we are the 5th safest country in the World

    That is why I'm so surprised to hear +15 cars per station asides from special units like K-9 and SWAT, but with that said, I guess that explains those videos where you get 20 cars for shots fired (nothing against it, safety first

  • Well you live in the city, in each 2km you have another station, in coutry side we have stations that the distance between them is 10km or more and in this case we still have like 3 cars... just in the District HQ we have more cars.... still half of our fleet is waste and are wrecked....

  • Well you live in the city, in each 2km you have another station, in coutry side we have stations that the distance between them is 10km or more and in this case we still have like 3 cars... just in the District HQ we have more cars.... still half of our fleet is waste and are wrecked....

    Not entirely true
    Some areas in Portugal are like that, others not so much
    [Blocked Image:] These cars didn't magicly disapear, they were assigned to some areas, not all obviously :rolleyes:

  • I do agree that they shouldn’t remain at 100k maybe like 200-300k you can’t put a massive price on them tho.

    Also being the 5th safest country doesn’t really do anything to how much police you have (in my opinion) it’s all about budget and public interest. You say about specialist unit and qoute “aside from special units like K9 and SWAT” so why would you be surprised about having 15+ Vehicles in buildings. Guess someone didn’t look at the rest of the world haha naw only messing. The UK is regarded “safe” to a set level, Portugal will be regarded “safe” to a set level. All areas have crime, it’s just whether it’s reported etc but I’ll keep on topic and say quite a lot countries in the world will have more then 15+ Vehicles in many of their stations in their country.

  • I live in New Jersey, USA and the majority of towns in my county alone have 20-30 police cars including a few K-9 Units. I've only noticed very very few police departments aside from our County Sheriff's Office and State Police with SWAT Units.

    Unless cities in New Jersey hold more K-9 Units I've noticed most of the towns only have 1 Unit per District.

    Now the County in Florida I've seen mostly Sheriff's Department sub stations assost covering cities alongside those city police departments. Hard to say how many they have as they're always out. But the county sheriff's office down there as well has more vehicles especially in the outskirts of any town and city though they occasionally go into the city itself from time to time.

    Up here in NJ, Everybody generally likes to stay in their own district.

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