Unit Suggestions - UK Game

  • I want to clear some points that people are getting very wrong about taser.

    (Source serving officer with loads of taser experience under my belt)

    Firstly it is up to the chief constable of each force to decide to what extent taser is distributed between the officers.
    If you go back to the early 2000s you will have seen that teaser was treated like an AEP launcher or a firearm with only firearms units being equiped with the CED (more commonly known as a Taser )
    Fast forward to now, many forces are making it a piece of standard kit.

    All officers that want to carry need to meet homeoffice standards by completing a national course in house usally at their force training centre, if successfull that means that they are now Specially Trained Officers (STOs) with training to deal with more high risk incidents where a taser deployment is required rather than unarmed officers intervening whether that be due to risk or weapons or tactics ect.

    Just because everyone can carry does not mean

    1 that everyone should (maybe due to behaviour or jumpyness leading to increased risk of overuse) and

    2 are capable as its a massive responsibility as its classified as a lesss than lethal meaning if you use it you could kill someone and be charged with murder if you are found to have not followed policy or other factors.

    I have dealt with somone who has had all 3, taser pava and been bitten by a police dog and he said that Pava is the worst as it keeps burning for nearly an hour and then taser then a dog bite.


    A dog is tactical resource forcewide, a taser officer is a local unit usually.
    A firearms trained dog will be sent in prior to firearms officers entering buildings.

    A dog is a much more powerfull tool than a taser in many circumstances

    EG Male with Acute behavioral Discorder (read about it here from Kent police -


    These types of people expecially on drugs can be chaos, an incident where a male was taken to the local A&E with the above resulted in him breaking the cuffs and flooring two officers, panic button pressed everyone turns up, he was tased 4 times by 2 STOs failed to have any action, in this time he took down another officer,
    Dog unit arrives and released the dog which pulled him to the ground and kept hold of him allowing officers and NHS staff to restrain and sedate him.

    Taser is a wonderfull tool but will never replace teams such as firearms or dogs.

  • NamePatient Transport Service - Stretcher Ambulance
    PurposeTransportation of CAT 4 patients

    PTS ambulances are now being used in the UK not just to transport scheduled non-clinical patients to hospital but also to transport CAT 4 999 calls. This vehicle would be cheaper than a normal ambulance and means that emergency ambulances can be kept free for CAT 1-3 calls.

  • NameRoad Rail Unit
    PurposeTo Attend Incidents via the rails that may be at places where you may not be able to get a fire engine to.
    TrainingUnsure but it would be something like Personel Track Safety OR a HNC/HND Technical Qualification
    Building ExpansionN/.A
  • NameRoad Rail Unit
    PurposeTo Attend Incidents via the rails that may be at places where you may not be able to get a fire engine to.
    TrainingUnsure but it would be something like Personel Track Safety OR a HNC/HND Technical Qualification
    Building ExpansionN/.A

    This would be great, examples are Avon Fire and Rescue (Avonmouth) and South Wales fire and rescue (Malpas)

  • NameHeavy Rescue + Light Boat
    PurposeWater Rescue + Heavy Rescue
    Cost20,000 Credits
    Personnel2 - 6
    TrainingLifeguard (was Swift water Rescue)
    ExpansionTech Rescue

    So pretty much the unit from the .com version of the game, cost open to discussion as the prices are different between the versions of the game, would be more realistic for some services that dont run a 4x4 and trailer, I`m thinking LFB as the FRU carry some water rescue gear.

  • i think they should allow prisons and prison transfer in game instead of just allowing alliances to have prisons.

    Also, if you have a high profile suspect (for instance) could you put a feature where police escort a prison van to the prisons?

    i think having the uk SEG ( Special Escort Group) should be put into the game so they can escort high profile officials to sites

    Edited once, last by VICFire: Merged a post created by Dragon1 into this post. (March 17, 2023 at 5:51 PM).

  • i think they should allow prisons and prison transfer in game instead of just allowing alliances to have prisons.

    Also, if you have a high profile suspect (for instance) could you put a feature where police escort a prison van to the prisons?

    i think having the uk SEG ( Special Escort Group) should be put into the game so they can escort high profile officials to sites

    I agree that prisons shouldn't be limited to alliances but this isn't the right thread to discuss it.

    Again, the escort mission should be suggested in the mission suggestions thread - although I like the idea.

    SEG is a metropolitan police / MOD police unit mainly and can be easily replicated with traffic / armed traffic cars. There is no need to create a new type of unit for this in my opinion. If you want to simulate a motorbike then just limit the personnel of the vehicle to 1.

  • Not exactly a *new* unit suggestion, but:

    It is pretty common in the fire service to have a 135 ladder on some but not all appliances. Since this piece of kit is required at some incidents in real life, I would like to see it implemented perhaps as a WrL 135, or create a WrT (Water Tender) as a pump which can deal with most incidents like a WrL but might not be able to deal with incidents involving access to a first story window, or at least one of the three pumps required at a house or roof fire should be a WrL but the rest could be WrT? Idk you get the idea…


    Name~ WrT

    Service~ Fire

    Purpose~ Slightly cheaper version of WrL, able to attend most incidents instead of WrL except some that would require a 135 ladder.

    Personal~ 2-6

    Training~ None

    Building expansion~ None

    Max patients/ prisoner None

  • (Posting a second suggestion rather than adding to my original as I don’t believe it will show as unread for forums users if I edit my original post, and this is a separate suggestion)

    NameBariatric Ambulance
    Purpose-“Assist Ambulance- Bariatric” and any new missions involving bariatric patients.
    Cost-10,000 credits
    How many personel are required2-4
    Building expansionN/A
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slots1 Patient

    NameNeonatal / Paediatric Ambulance
    Purpose-Neonatal / Paediatric patient transfer missions (by road)
    Cost-10,000 credits
    How many personel are required3-6
    Training-Nurse / Paediatrics / Critical Care
    Building expansionPaediatrics at a Clinic, none at an ambulance station.
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slots1 Patient
    • NameRescue Support Vehicle (RNLI)
      Purpose-Flood Rescue Unit but RNLI moment
      Cost-25,000 credits
      How many personel are required2 (max. 7)
      Training-Flood first responder

      Building expansionFlood Rescue expansion
      Number of Prisoner/Patient slots0

      from what I can gather this is what some of the RSV sprinters are used for idk the CG supervisor would need to correct me

  • NameNegotiator
    How many personel are required1
    Training-Negotiator Training
    Building expansionPolice Public Order

    NameUSAR Pickup
    How many personel are required2
    Building expansionTechnical Rescue
    NameUSAR Minibus
    How many personel are required2 - 10
    Building expansionTechnical Rescue
    NameUSAR Support Unit
    How many personel are required6
    Building expansionTechnical Rescue

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