Chief B - as an excuses next time - just say i accidently hit the caps lock button - works well, especially since the a is right next to it
but like your idea
Chief B - as an excuses next time - just say i accidently hit the caps lock button - works well, especially since the a is right next to it
but like your idea
Gotcha....understood. Was not shouting.....just used that as an way to put emphasis on a suggested requirement.. Sorry.
It's fine wasnt disagreeing with your point and I even suggested a way to do it
I love the wildland/wildfire extension, and continue to watch as they make it better. Hopefully, they will had the air drop planes and dozers as part of the missions soon. Maybe this is intended, and maybe not, but it certainly does not seem normal. Yesterday I had 69 wildfire missions generate back to back all in a row. No way you can have enough fire stations or resources to manage those unless you do a couple at a time and that certainly defeats any realism.
Not sure is this is intended or what but just did not seem normal. I have 7 Firefighting Plane Stations that I added the new wildland extensions to and put planes with smoke jumpers in them. Then I have 5 fire stations that I spread out in the state that have added the wildland extension to and equipped them with crew carriers and tenders and wildland command units. I have hundreds of other stations and one dispatch center that all stations are assigned to. I am at work today so I left the game on slow and was on and off all day, opening and closing the browser. At the present time I have had 61 missions generate all day and every single one was a wildland fire or wildland clean up. I have changed no settings.. Is this normal?
Went back and edited this because as it continued I ended up with 81 wildland missions before a single other mission was generated.
That does sound like a hiccup. I have a similar setup but never have I seen that many wildland fires.
I have brought this forward before and I am going to bring it forward again in hopes that the developers will see it and make some changes. This morning while running the game in the turbo mode, over the span of an hour I have more than 60 rapid wildland missions generate, followed by at least a dozen wildfire clean up, all within close proximity to each other. There is no way you can have the resources to complete these missions as they occur. A suggestion is this.. Why not have the original mission expand a reasonable amount of times to require additional resources, instead of having all those separate missions? Put a cap on the number of expansions so you are not emptied of the ability to complete them. Also a suggestion is to add the "requirement" of dozers and firefighting airplanes to the missions.. thanks for reading
That's not even the most annoying part of the rapid wildland missions... it's the part requiring 20 or so hotshots for each. As someone who builds realistically and my state only has 5 hotshot crews very spread out, it's so frustrating having to wait hours just so I can complete the mission. The amount of follow-up missions generated is also absurd. (as seen below)…=409&height=676
That's not even the most annoying part of the rapid wildland missions... it's the part requiring 20 or so hotshots for each. As someone who builds realistically and my state only has 5 hotshot crews very spread out, it's so frustrating having to wait hours just so I can complete the mission. The amount of follow-up missions generated is also absurd. (as seen below)…=409&height=676
Agree....I was trying to maintain a positive post and be constructive with some suggestions...
I have brought this forward before and I am going to bring it forward again in hopes that the developers will see it and make some changes. This morning while running the game in the turbo mode, over the span of an hour I have more than 60 rapid wildland missions generate, followed by at least a dozen wildfire clean up, all within close proximity to each other. There is no way you can have the resources to complete these missions as they occur. A suggestion is this.. Why not have the original mission expand a reasonable amount of times to require additional resources, instead of having all those separate missions? Put a cap on the number of expansions so you are not emptied of the ability to complete them. Also a suggestion is to add the "requirement" of dozers and firefighting airplanes to the missions.. thanks for reading
Try taking some of your extensions off line. This should lower the number of these type of missions.
Try taking some of your extensions off line. This should lower the number of these type of missions.
I think I deactivated all but one of them... I always had the "forestry" extensions for my stations but when the wildland component was added is when it changed...
That's not even the most annoying part of the rapid wildland missions... it's the part requiring 20 or so hotshots for each. As someone who builds realistically and my state only has 5 hotshot crews very spread out, it's so frustrating having to wait hours just so I can complete the mission. The amount of follow-up missions generated is also absurd. (as seen below)…=409&height=676
I brought this up to the devlopment team.
The developers have advised me that they've reduced the spawn rates for this, so hopefully this will help out that issue.
Thank you,
something else that needs to be changed is the removal of hotshot requirements from all of the wild fire clean up calls hot shots do not clean up the fire scene after the fire is out regular hand crews do that.
This is not a major issue but something I feel that needs to be looked at. I left the game on slow last night when I went to bed as I forgot to log out. This morning I only had 21 missions up but 16 of them were wildland missions all within 1/4 mile of each other on the map. I know this is to simulate spread, but would it not be better to create just one mission and have them spread to be larger and larger instead of repeated new missions?
Here is a suggestion for the developers... The picture shows four (4) Wildland Incidents that spawned at the same time that are closely located. This type of incident would most likely be managed as a "Complex" fire and and managed by an ICP with different divisions. If the developers could stop the dozens of random wildfires and make them expanding incidents not multiple separate incidents..
Here is a suggestion for the developers... The picture shows four (4) Wildland Incidents that spawned at the same time that are closely located. This type of incident would most likely be managed as a "Complex" fire and and managed by an ICP with different divisions. If the developers could stop the dozens of random wildfires and make them expanding incidents not multiple separate incidents..
You mean the same devs that gave us the wonderful flood and disaster extensions/expansions?
I can't see that happening...
The Game Generates Missions at Random Locations around a Stations Perimeter. In this case your Stations have the Wildland Expansion.
The only way to stop them from spawning so close together is by spreading your Fire Stations out farther from each other and slow down your Dispatch Time so your setup doesn't get overwhelmed by too many Wildland Missions and you run out of Units to send them to.
Missions do expand into larger ones. You have the choose to decide of they expand or not in your Dispatch Center Settings.
The Game Generates Missions at Random Locations around a Stations Perimeter. In this case your Stations have the Wildland Expansion.
The only way to stop them from spawning so close together is by spreading your Fire Stations out farther from each other and slow down your Dispatch Time so your setup doesn't get overwhelmed by too many Wildland Missions and you run out of Units to send them to.
Missions do expand into larger ones. You have the choose to decide of they expand or not in your Dispatch Center Settings.
First and foremost, thanks so much for the response..
#1 I have only a handful of stations (6 spread out across the state) that actually have the "wildland expansion" but all of my stations have the "forestry" expansion. The ones with "wildland" all have at least 3 staffed smokejumper planes. I have 14 Firefighting Plane stations spread out across the state and all have at least one Helicopter, 1 Air Tanker and 3 smokejumper planes.
#2 By slowing down the "dispatch time" do you mean the game speed?
#3 I get that missions expand, and understand that concept, but I was suggesting that one mission spawns and then just expands similar to others, requiring more units to be sent to the original fire so that it is run by the ICS system as a Complex Fire instead of 5, 6, 7 new missions spawning in the same spot. When this happens that is when the resources are drain as you will have a Major Fast Moving Wildfire and then multiple "Major Fast Moving Wildfire Cause by Major Fast Moving Wildfire". This should be all one expanding mission and not multiple ones, especially since they are all within close proximity. This is where you would then get your multiple Wildland Command Units as the main ICP and the normal Command units as part of the various divisions. Maybe I am not explaining the suggestion clearly? Doing my best
#4 I will adjust the Comm Center Settings and see what changes.
#5 I have had wildland fires generate or spawn in the middle of major Cities such as Tampa, Tallahassee, Gainesville and Jacksonville and they do not have the wildland fire extension active.. Just Forestry extension that allows brush trucks
#6 I also have dozers with transports (at least one in each county) that never are required and seem to do no good on the wildland fires, but I send them anyway to be realistic as we do that in Florida.
#7 I have also noticed that there are often various Wildland Fire Clean Up missions generated where there have been no wildland fires.
Attached is a prime example: I changed the settings as you suggested and at the time the mission speed was "paused". After saving the settings, I logged out and back in and set the mission speed to "Normal" and these are the first two missions to generate/spawn and they were both generated by a station that only has the "forestry" expansion, not wildland. They are not anywhere near the spawn radius for the wildland station.
And...lastly due to my own stupidity and not paying attention, I was trying to adjust the area for one of my wildland fire stations and hit the wrong button and deleted the entire darn station..... grrrrr.... no biggie....just an error on my part... Did not start my day well! Have a great day./
Thanks so very much for the time you took to review my message and respond. I do appreciate it....and appreciate your work.
if you have forestry then you will get wildland fire in cities. the best way to combat these issues is to make sure your mission spawn area is set to 5 km for each station that allows for quicker response time.
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